We have spoken to 2 inventors out of 6 contact attempts to inventors listed as licensed via Invention Home. Only 2 replied back to our requests for information about their supposed licensing deals. The 2 that did reply back said they had gotten no licensing deals as posted by Invention Home. The first one was a lady said to have gotten a licensing deal via Invention Home. She told us that Invention Home put her in contact with a company and the deal fell through and nothing ever happened. The 2ND was a man said to have a licensing deal via Invention Home. He told us that no deal ever happened. They contacted Invention Home advised by us to have it removed because #1 its a lie and #2 someone that has interest in their invention may Google it and land in Invention Homes website and see its listed as licensed and pass on it. None of this is good for any inventors, not the ones reading the lies or the ones being lied about. We were told by these 2 inventors that Invention Home said it was a " blurp " and would remove it. Now we wonder how many of the others listed as Licensed are " blurps " also. This is what we THINK they are doing. They put you in touch with a company willing to look and as soon as they agree to review it Invention home at the Invention Home lists it as a successful licensing deal. 2 responded back and 2 had no deals but Invention Home bragged them as successes when nothing ever happened.
So by this info posted just here alone with the lies about the licensing success and the lies sent to inventors submitting via Invention Homes Submit my Invention story below as companies that never sent what inventors thought they did. Also being a board member own companies by Russell Williams of the United Inventors Association who has executive director has copied an inventors invention for profit and who's president submitted it to the same company the original was licensed to. Should you trust them ???????? We can only post the facts, You be the judge !
Here is the email this inventor sent Russell Williams owner of Invention Home and Submit My Invention and United Inventors Association board member.
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Russell Williams <russ.williams@inventionhome.
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 7:04 AM
Subject: Not as it says from xxxx
Hi Russ,
Someone sent this to me last night and asked if I had a global licensing agreement through InventionHome and I replied that I had a short stint two years ago with xxx xxxxxx, who was totally busy with his wife with cancer and was never ever there for me, so I had to let him go. I still have nothing to speak of with you. Is this information on your website, letting people think I have something wonderful with you??? To date, I have nothing. When a license agreement doesn't work out, don't you think that by leaving this information on the site, you are costing me the opportunity for an agreement that may be a winner???
InventionHome announces marketing agreement for "xxxxxxxxxxx".
November 29th, 2011 by InventionHome | 0 Comments
MONROEVILLE, Pa. November 29, 2011 — InventionHome is happy to announce a license agreement between client xxxxx. of Florida and a company that focuses on products to promote through the “As Seen on TV” channel.
xxxxxx designed her unique product, titled “xxxxxxxx”, to provide greater organization for today’s on-the-go lifestyles. Her storage system provides versatility and adaptability, and both xxxxx and the licensee are hopeful that it will appeal to mass audiences.
Congratulations, xxxxxx!
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 7:55 PM
Subject: Hi xxxx from xxxxxxxx
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 7:55 PM
Subject: Hi xxxx from xxxxxxxx
Hi xxxxxxx,
Russ at InventionHome said that it was a blurb about the license deal from 2011. I told him I cannot worry that someone will see that and believe I am all hooked up with a great deal, because that is the farthest thing from the truth. He said he will take it out tomorrow.
Thanks for the heads up!
So there is proof of their lies about licensing deals from 2011 until the date above, inventors believed it and the inventor was totally unaware that they posted it on the Invention Home website. Lies or " blurps " you decide !!!!!!
This was sent us by an inventor.
to me
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Crown Bolt Company <NoReply@submitmyinvention.com>
To: xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:53 AM
Subject: Decision reached regarding your submission - no strip nut lock
Dear XXX,
Thank you for your interest in Crown Bolt Company. We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, you may want to consider contacting InventionHome. InventionHome shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. Our experience with them has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like ours is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of InventionHome at russ.williams@inventionhome.com or by calling 1-866-844-6512. We have copied him on this email.
We wish you the best of luck.
Crown Bolt Company
Invention Home owned by UIA board member Russel Williams and owner of Submit My Invention aka Jacob enterprises.
{ Google, Jacob enterprises Invention Home complaints rip off and see what you find , Note not every complaint is valid, some are from competing companies discrediting the other, but discussion groups comments are usually accurate because the person complaining is known and individuals that use their names and contact info. }
{ Note we will not post any stories without proof and anything we speculate will be clearly listed as such, we don't want to loose creditability by posting stories from inventors with no proof }
{ What brought this out to our blog was an Inventor that received the email acting as Irwin Tools contacted us and asked to post the story. }
I submitted to Irwin Tools via Invention Homes website. I googled Irwin Tools invention submission and it led me there and claimed Irwin was on a product hunt. I clicked the link and it went to an official Irwin website, so I submitted my personal information which I thought would remain private and only for Irwin. Weeks when by and I got this email from ( Submit my invention ) and supposedly signed and authored by Irwin Tools.
From: NoReply@submitmyinvention.com
To: @hotmail.com
CC: russ.williams@inventionhome.
Subject: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:18:16 -0400
Dear xxxxx,
Thank you for your interest in IRWIN Tools . We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, we recommend Invention Home. Invention Home shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. They can also assist you through the patenting and design processes if needed, then share your invention with appropriate companies within their network of more than 3,500 manufacturers and distributors. Our experience with Invention Home has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like us is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of Invention Home at russ.williams@inventionhome. com or by calling 1-866-844-6512. Russell is also on the board of directors for the United Inventors Association, the industry's premier inventor association. We have copied him on this email.
We wish you the best of luck.
Thank you for your interest in IRWIN Tools . We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, we recommend Invention Home. Invention Home shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. They can also assist you through the patenting and design processes if needed, then share your invention with appropriate companies within their network of more than 3,500 manufacturers and distributors. Our experience with Invention Home has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like us is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of Invention Home at russ.williams@inventionhome.
We wish you the best of luck.
So I called Irwin Tools and asked if they sent me this email, they had no knowledge of it and are doing an investigation. These are the email between Irwin and I.
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 09:06:18 -0400From@irwin.com
To: @hotmail.com
I wanted you to know this situation is still being investigated and I have not heard back from management. I will most definitely keep you posted.
Have a great day,
xxxx xxx
Irwin Tools
Customer Service Representative
8936 Northpointe Executive Park Drive, Suite 200
Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: (704) 987-7378
Fax(800) 866-5742

I wanted you to know this situation is still being investigated and I have not heard back from management. I will most definitely keep you posted.
Have a great day,
xxxx xxx
Irwin Tools
Customer Service Representative
8936 Northpointe Executive Park Drive, Suite 200
Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: (704) 987-7378
Fax(800) 866-5742
From:@hotmail. com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Great, Thank you for all your help.
From: @irwin.com
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:02:51 -0400From: @irwin.com
I wanted to let you know I had a good conversation with some people who are higher up in Irwin. They will be checking into things tomorrow and I will be able to communicate back to you then.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Have a great day,
xxx xxxx
Irwin Tools
Customer Service Representative
8936 Northpointe Executive Park Drive, Suite 200
Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: (704) 987-7378
Fax(800) 866-5742

Hello xxx,
First I would like to thank you for taking the time to investigate this for me. I would like it if you would forward this email to your legal department.
I would like to ask them this. Did Irwin Tools author this email to be sent to me to solicit the services of Invention Home { yes or NO please }
If so What products have been successfully license via Invention home that would warrant this recommendation and positive experience and collaboration with Invention Home. { please provide a list of the inventions successfully licensed via invention Home.
How did Invention get my contact information that I listed privately on your website via Invention Homes ( Submit My Invention ) that Irwin has a contract with ?
And why did Irwin give ( Submit My Invention ) my personal information that I thought was privately submitted to Irwin Tools ?
And since my information that was sent privately to Irwin Tools, was my invention also disclosed to ( Submit My Invention ) ?
Submit My Invention is owned by Invention Homes owner, were you aware of that before contracting with them ?
If your answer is no that Irwin is not responsible for this email sent to me below signed Irwin Tools and have no idea of the breach in private information, let me inform you of what my investigation revealed.
The sent address on the email says Submit My Invention it is CCd to invention home by the owner of both companies. If you google Submit My inventions sent email address it takes you to invention Homes owner. This is a scam to obtain personal information to solicit their company to inventors that Irwin rejected { If Irwin even looked at the invention }. Submit My invention solicits Invention Home for a time, when no correspondence is sent back from the recipient, it goes up for sale and gets sent to companies that pay for the contact information to solicit their companies after Invention Home had their go at them. Now I don't deal with invention submission companies, BUT might consider them if a reputable company like Irwin Tools recommends them so highly. This is misleading to all inventors seeking an honest company like Irwin Tools to work with and if Irwin declines the invention submitted, that should be the end of it. As it is I feel Irwin is responsible for giving my contact information to a questionable submission company and opening the doors for me to get scammed. Russ Williams { the owner of both Submit my Invention and Invention Home } sent me an email trying to explain it. As you will see in his email he did not answer if Irwin authored this email and how he got my personal information or if they saw my invention. He was aware of the accusations because it was posted on linked in inventors groups as a warning along with the sent email signed as Irwin Tools. I sent a reply to his explanation that remains unanswered and no other correspondence and happened.
I would Hope Irwin Tools takes the appropriate action on behalf of inventors and also so it doesn't damage Irwin's reputation working and endorsing an company like Invention Home that has a long list of complaints. I would Hope Irwin ceases all dealings with Submit My Invention and cancels their contract with them for fraud and deceptive behavior putting honest inventors at risk of the scams of invention submission companies and endorsing them.
I hope you give me the courtesy of replying with direct answers as I took the time and still pursue protecting Irwin's name and inventors everywhere. Below you will see the emails sent to me by Irwin and signed by Irwin and The owner Russ Williams email explaining it and my reply that remains unanswered.
Thank You
xxx xxxxx
{ Later I get this email From Russ Williams }
I wanted to follow up on your LinkedIn post from last week. I saw the post with the email below included and since this was the only email I received on 10/11/12 at 11:18am, I figured it was your post.
Please let me clarify so you don't get the wrong idea about the submission and email from Irwin Tools.
About two years ago, we had an opportunity to help a large organization streamline their process of receiving and evaluating incoming product submissions from outside sources. As a result, we developed an online submission management system that enabled the organization to accept, review and evaluate their product submissions (i.e.: their own system). The system saved them a lot of time and made the whole process very easy to manage.
Afterwards, we realized that if we could provide other companies with the same ability to accept and manage product submissions we could create a lot of value and streamline the process for how companies manage their incoming submissions. Plus, it would provide us with a much more efficient way of sharing our inventor client's products with our company clients.
Today, we have a lot of companies that use this system to manage their process, Irwin is one of them. When you submitted to Irwin Tools, you submitted directly to them through their submission system, linked to their website. Here's the page on their website - http://www.irwin.com/about-us/ contact-us (click the "click here" link on the inventor line). We just pointed directly to this submission form from our blog. To learn more about our system and how it works, go to www.submitmyinvention.com.
Also, please understand that this is an independent system or piece of online software that each company uses and manages on their own. Although, we give them the system, we don't have anything to do with managing the information or the inventors who submitted to them. I believe a system like this is a win/win for everyone involved... Here's why....
1. We now have a better way to convince more and more companies to embrace "open innovation" and accept outside inventor opportunities by making it much easier for them to manage. Everyone wins if more companies are willing to license inventions from outside sources.
2. This opens the door for inventors to submit directly to these companies at no cost (i.e.: what you did with Irwin Tools).
3. We also help promote companies to the inventor community, thus driving opportunities directly to them at no cost. Note: We call this a "Product Hunt" and we do not charge the company to market them nor do we charge the inventors to submit to the companies (it's a win/win). We'd like to start doing more of these Hunts each month.
4. Once a company begins using our system to manage all of their own incoming innovation, we have a more efficient and streamlined way to electronically submit our client's products directly to these companies with a higher level of attention. Please keep in mind that we do not charge large fees to inventors and we never lock them up into a contract limiting their marketing options.
Since these companies are able to see first-hand how we're able to share our clients products with a wide range of companies, many of them recommend us to the inventors of the products they pass on. Hence the email you received below.
Finally, I'm not sure what your invention is but, since it is in the Tool category, I can provide you with some other leads. Both Hyde Tools and Empire Level use our system and I know they are actively looking for new tool products. Not sure how or if yours fits but, you might want to give them a try. Sites - www.hydetools.com and www.empirelevel.com (the submission form links are on their menu bars).
Thank you and best of luck with your invention.
{ This was my reply to him that remains unanswered, No more correspondence after my reply }
From: @hotmail.com
To: russ.williams@inventionhome. com
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:54:41 -0400
From: @hotmail.com
To: russ.williams@inventionhome. com
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:54:41 -0400
It was not my post, I'm temporarily blocked from linked in because of all the crap with Reyland. I did however post it as a comment on the Mark Reyland blogspot and it was posted as I asked. Someone picked it up from there. Irwin did not author that email as it was, I contacted them and asked, why do they promote a submission company. They know nothing about it, but their legal department is investigating it. So its to streamline the process? Well would you like to tell me how you got the info I submitted to them on their website. You have my info and I got a call from your company soliciting services, also 2 other companies called me. So you got and gave {well actually you sold } my personal info I sent to Irwin. I know this because I purposely missed their calls and played phone tag and left my email as a contact and show interest in their services. I learned they bought my info by acting interested in their services and being buddy buddy with them. I have it in an email with the name of the company that sold it. Would you like to guess who that company is that sold personal info that I submitted to Irwin ? Also if you saw that from their " site " you also had access to what I submitted. So that's my personal info you got under fraudulent means as well as my I.P. Rights have been violated.
You cant violate privacy issues to sell and promote for profit. I didn't want a submission company to see my info, it was for Irwin, and its fair to say they are less than pleased with you using them to defraud inventors.
I wanted to let you know I had a good conversation with some people who are higher up in Irwin. They will be checking into things tomorrow and I will be able to communicate back to you then.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Have a great day,
xxx xxxx
Irwin Tools
Customer Service Representative
8936 Northpointe Executive Park Drive, Suite 200
Huntersville, NC 28078
Phone: (704) 987-7378
Fax(800) 866-5742
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:09 PM
Subject: FW: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:09 PM
Subject: FW: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
From: @hotmail.com
To: @irwin.com
Subject: FW: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:04:46 -0400
To: @irwin.com
Subject: FW: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:04:46 -0400
Hello xxx,
First I would like to thank you for taking the time to investigate this for me. I would like it if you would forward this email to your legal department.
I would like to ask them this. Did Irwin Tools author this email to be sent to me to solicit the services of Invention Home { yes or NO please }
If so What products have been successfully license via Invention home that would warrant this recommendation and positive experience and collaboration with Invention Home. { please provide a list of the inventions successfully licensed via invention Home.
How did Invention get my contact information that I listed privately on your website via Invention Homes ( Submit My Invention ) that Irwin has a contract with ?
And why did Irwin give ( Submit My Invention ) my personal information that I thought was privately submitted to Irwin Tools ?
And since my information that was sent privately to Irwin Tools, was my invention also disclosed to ( Submit My Invention ) ?
Submit My Invention is owned by Invention Homes owner, were you aware of that before contracting with them ?
If your answer is no that Irwin is not responsible for this email sent to me below signed Irwin Tools and have no idea of the breach in private information, let me inform you of what my investigation revealed.
The sent address on the email says Submit My Invention it is CCd to invention home by the owner of both companies. If you google Submit My inventions sent email address it takes you to invention Homes owner. This is a scam to obtain personal information to solicit their company to inventors that Irwin rejected { If Irwin even looked at the invention }. Submit My invention solicits Invention Home for a time, when no correspondence is sent back from the recipient, it goes up for sale and gets sent to companies that pay for the contact information to solicit their companies after Invention Home had their go at them. Now I don't deal with invention submission companies, BUT might consider them if a reputable company like Irwin Tools recommends them so highly. This is misleading to all inventors seeking an honest company like Irwin Tools to work with and if Irwin declines the invention submitted, that should be the end of it. As it is I feel Irwin is responsible for giving my contact information to a questionable submission company and opening the doors for me to get scammed. Russ Williams { the owner of both Submit my Invention and Invention Home } sent me an email trying to explain it. As you will see in his email he did not answer if Irwin authored this email and how he got my personal information or if they saw my invention. He was aware of the accusations because it was posted on linked in inventors groups as a warning along with the sent email signed as Irwin Tools. I sent a reply to his explanation that remains unanswered and no other correspondence and happened.
I would Hope Irwin Tools takes the appropriate action on behalf of inventors and also so it doesn't damage Irwin's reputation working and endorsing an company like Invention Home that has a long list of complaints. I would Hope Irwin ceases all dealings with Submit My Invention and cancels their contract with them for fraud and deceptive behavior putting honest inventors at risk of the scams of invention submission companies and endorsing them.
I hope you give me the courtesy of replying with direct answers as I took the time and still pursue protecting Irwin's name and inventors everywhere. Below you will see the emails sent to me by Irwin and signed by Irwin and The owner Russ Williams email explaining it and my reply that remains unanswered.
Thank You
xxx xxxxx
{ Later I get this email From Russ Williams }
From: russ.williams@inventionhome. com
To: @hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 14:43:23 -0400
xxx,To: @hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 14:43:23 -0400
I wanted to follow up on your LinkedIn post from last week. I saw the post with the email below included and since this was the only email I received on 10/11/12 at 11:18am, I figured it was your post.
Please let me clarify so you don't get the wrong idea about the submission and email from Irwin Tools.
About two years ago, we had an opportunity to help a large organization streamline their process of receiving and evaluating incoming product submissions from outside sources. As a result, we developed an online submission management system that enabled the organization to accept, review and evaluate their product submissions (i.e.: their own system). The system saved them a lot of time and made the whole process very easy to manage.
Afterwards, we realized that if we could provide other companies with the same ability to accept and manage product submissions we could create a lot of value and streamline the process for how companies manage their incoming submissions. Plus, it would provide us with a much more efficient way of sharing our inventor client's products with our company clients.
Today, we have a lot of companies that use this system to manage their process, Irwin is one of them. When you submitted to Irwin Tools, you submitted directly to them through their submission system, linked to their website. Here's the page on their website - http://www.irwin.com/about-us/
Also, please understand that this is an independent system or piece of online software that each company uses and manages on their own. Although, we give them the system, we don't have anything to do with managing the information or the inventors who submitted to them. I believe a system like this is a win/win for everyone involved... Here's why....
1. We now have a better way to convince more and more companies to embrace "open innovation" and accept outside inventor opportunities by making it much easier for them to manage. Everyone wins if more companies are willing to license inventions from outside sources.
2. This opens the door for inventors to submit directly to these companies at no cost (i.e.: what you did with Irwin Tools).
3. We also help promote companies to the inventor community, thus driving opportunities directly to them at no cost. Note: We call this a "Product Hunt" and we do not charge the company to market them nor do we charge the inventors to submit to the companies (it's a win/win). We'd like to start doing more of these Hunts each month.
4. Once a company begins using our system to manage all of their own incoming innovation, we have a more efficient and streamlined way to electronically submit our client's products directly to these companies with a higher level of attention. Please keep in mind that we do not charge large fees to inventors and we never lock them up into a contract limiting their marketing options.
Since these companies are able to see first-hand how we're able to share our clients products with a wide range of companies, many of them recommend us to the inventors of the products they pass on. Hence the email you received below.
Finally, I'm not sure what your invention is but, since it is in the Tool category, I can provide you with some other leads. Both Hyde Tools and Empire Level use our system and I know they are actively looking for new tool products. Not sure how or if yours fits but, you might want to give them a try. Sites - www.hydetools.com and www.empirelevel.com (the submission form links are on their menu bars).
Thank you and best of luck with your invention.
{ This was my reply to him that remains unanswered, No more correspondence after my reply }
From: @hotmail.com
To: russ.williams@inventionhome.
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
From: @hotmail.com
To: russ.williams@inventionhome.
Subject: RE: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
It was not my post, I'm temporarily blocked from linked in because of all the crap with Reyland. I did however post it as a comment on the Mark Reyland blogspot and it was posted as I asked. Someone picked it up from there. Irwin did not author that email as it was, I contacted them and asked, why do they promote a submission company. They know nothing about it, but their legal department is investigating it. So its to streamline the process? Well would you like to tell me how you got the info I submitted to them on their website. You have my info and I got a call from your company soliciting services, also 2 other companies called me. So you got and gave {well actually you sold } my personal info I sent to Irwin. I know this because I purposely missed their calls and played phone tag and left my email as a contact and show interest in their services. I learned they bought my info by acting interested in their services and being buddy buddy with them. I have it in an email with the name of the company that sold it. Would you like to guess who that company is that sold personal info that I submitted to Irwin ? Also if you saw that from their " site " you also had access to what I submitted. So that's my personal info you got under fraudulent means as well as my I.P. Rights have been violated.
You cant violate privacy issues to sell and promote for profit. I didn't want a submission company to see my info, it was for Irwin, and its fair to say they are less than pleased with you using them to defraud inventors.
{ Now Warren Tuttles defence of Mark Reyland, his accomplishments outweighs his lies and deception, seems to be what Warren is saying }
From the UIA Board President
My name is Warren Tuttle and I am the
President of the Board of Directors for the United Inventors
is my sincere pleasure to donate a considerable amount of volunteer time and
effort to the pursuit of non-profit inventor education. For those who do not
know me personally, I have never accepted a dollar of upfront money from any
inventor that I have ever assisted…and there have been many thousands with whom
I have helped one way or another along the way. I have been incredibly blessed
to participate in the launch of some highly successful and innovative products
over the years. I also direct a cutting edge Open Innovation Program for a
dynamic, inventor friendly company. Perhaps this will help explain why I have
never charged an inventor a fee for my time or advice. I wish only the best for
every aspiring inventor in this country, and like many other professionals in
the industry I do whatever I can to help.
am writing this column because there are a few things you may not know about the
UIA and in particularly Mark Reyland, the Executive Director of the United
Inventors Association.
am here pledging my support and personal reputation within the greater inventor
community to help explain several behind the scenes things about Mark that many
of you may not be aware of, and the tremendous accomplishments he has initiated
during the past two years as our Executive Director.
and foremost, Mark is the most purely dedicated and passionate supporter of
inventors that I have ever met. Hands down. Period. I have met many folks who
might qualify as finalists for such an honor, but Mark certainly gets my
personal vote.
have spent hundreds of hours speaking with Mark about inventor issues. We speak
during the day, late in the evening, Saturdays and Sundays; we even find time to
talk when either of us is on extended travel around the US or the world. There
is never a time when Mark is not 100% up for the call. This does not mean that
we always lock-step agree on every topic that we debate. Sometimes I learn from
Mark, and sometimes he learns from me. But, we always dissect the issues and
arrive at the place we both know we need to be …what’s best for the inventor.
This refrain ultimately guides our course of action in everything we do in this
Mark’s passion is expressed in unique ways. He is not always a politician.
Sometimes people misunderstand his directness. Mark can be very charming, but on
occasion, people who do not know Mark inadvertently misinterpret his passion and
tremendous focus on getting the task at hand accomplished. For those who know
him and see him in action on a regular basis though, we all admire his candor
and are always amazed at his knowledge, work ethic and drive. Please know that Mark regularly puts in 60 to
80 hours a week at the UIA and spends upward of 200 days a year traveling
between inventor clubs, Washington DC (where he leads the UIA effort to
strengthen inventor protection legislation and enforcement ) , meetings, and
tradeshows…never complaining.
we hired Mark as the Executive Director of the UIA two years ago, he was by far
the best candidate for the position. I am not just referring to his resume,
though in fact his resume is very impressive. Where Mark truly stood out was in
the personal interview process. He was screened several different times by the
hiring sub-committee of the UIA Board. I then personally spent almost two hours
speaking to Mark. I could tell from the
opening discussion that he knew the inventor community very well. He had
extensive experience in the commercialization of products and a plethora of
great ideas about how to improve our organization and help inventors.
was a critical time for the UIA to get back on track performing the mission it
was designed for when originally founded as an extension of the USPTO over 20
years ago. We all agreed unanimously
that Mark was the right person to lead the revival.
has not disappointed. He first set about getting our UIA fiscal house in order.
He streamlined and cut unnecessary expenses, while immediately setting and
executing a course for increasing necessary revenues.
came at a critical time when the Board had additionally voted to eliminate all
fees for UIA inventor memberships, placing greater pressure on Mark to raise
working capital through private donations. After two years, the UIA is today in
sound fiscal shape. Our corporate membership criteria have been strengthened and
many terrific new outside supporters have been generated.
might add that Mark is now setting our sights on even more non-profit donations,
and implementing a grant program that will eventually help diversify overall UIA
financial support. By the way, our individual inventor membership has grown by
over 260% since Mark came on board, so we must be doing something
next task was to strengthen a supportive relationship between the UIA and the
almost 100 UIA certified inventor clubs around the country. These are real
inventors attending club meetings monthly, so this is an incredibly valuable
mission. Mark has extended the hand of friendship to these clubs by supplying
speakers to the clubs, purchasing Skype kits to allow speakers to present long
distance, organizing DRTV product review sessions and traveling himself to over
30 clubs each year to personally thank the club leadership, and make sure the
clubs know about the educational tools and the many efforts taking place on
their behalf at the national level.
came strengthening our UIA Inventor Showcase programs with inventor booths and
educational programs at industry trade shows; an incredibly daunting and
valuable effort. The UIA had hosted the National Hardware Show Inventor
Spotlight Pavilion for several years when Mark became ED and the Board wanted to
expand the template. In less than two years,
Mark has lead us to host inventor programs at The Chicago Toy and Game show, The
PGA Golf Show, International Housewares Show, The SPREE show, The Global Pet
Expo, The Craft & Hobby Show, and expended the Hardware show inventor area
from 60 to 125 booths with a goal to host Inventor Pavilions at a dozen major
industry trade shows.
trade show deals are very complicated to negotiate and execute. Anyone who has
ever experienced one of these events knows how valuable they are to inventors,
connecting them with industry leaders and getting actual licensing agreements
signed. Today the Inventor Spotlight Trade Show Program is a bell weather asset
for the UIA and a successful educational program for inventors.
are a few other UIA projects Mark has put a great deal of passion and leadership
into over the past two years.
organized the UIA’s involvement in the current QVC Sprouts program; a big time
effort to allow inventor’s easier access to one of America’s finest TV
retailers. He has arranged with Auburn University a college level accredited
course in inventing that, after initial testing, may be rolled out to
universities around the country. He has researched and supported efforts to
expand crowd funding financial models to assist inventors in raising capital for
start-up ventures. He has helped improve UIA relations with the USPTO and other
inventor dedicated non-profit groups and individuals. He has initiated inventor friendly PR
campaigns around the country and advised on developing virtual internet inventor
clubs to reach more rural communities. He built the UIA Inventor Education
Forum, The UIA Education Linkedin Groups, and, he writes a daily inventor blog 5
days a week, in a continuing effort to educate those folks new to the inventing
process. These are just some of the
things Mark has been responsible for developing.
the next time you hear something said, or written, about Mark Reyland, please
take a moment to consider all Mark does for the inventor community. These are
Real projects, productive initiatives, and results oriented endeavors. I can
assure you he is putting his time, day and night, into helping aspiring
inventors. He has my respect and that of many other professionals in our
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