Here we will let you see the emails that were sent by Lance Livingston, someone who knows everything that goes on at linkedIn but has no profile there. He seems to have a love for Mark and Roger and a deep dislike for certain people.
" Lance " was asked several times for a phone call or skype conversation so he could prove he was real and not fake, but never would. He was asked to stop the harassing emails but refuses.
First lets see Rogers comment's in a LinkedIn group conversation.
Roger Brown •Tom I think you have me confused with John, Nancy and Troy’s buddy Stephen key. He is the one selling videos, not me. Stephen had Troy listed as one of his experts on and just recently dropped him off the list and currently has Nancy listed as one of his interviews people can watch.
I agree you should be asking him why he charges so much for his information. Because John and you should be asking him to give away all his information for free right? Don’t you agree Inventors could do a lot if they had the 1400 companies looking for inventions for free, instead he is charging almost $1,500 for that information. Or you can pay $30 a month for his other program. According to you and John shouldn’t he just post that for free if he truly wants to help Inventors? Or is there a double standard since he is their friend?
Group: Inventor's Forum
Discussion:Add To The List of Terms Inventors Should Know
And what about the people that can't afford or are unsure of the $1,500 or $30 a month you don't seem to mind Stephen Key charging? I don't see you making the same requests of him.
Posted by Roger Brown
Now let's see some of "Lance's " emails.
On Nov 5, 2012, at 8:31 AM, Lance Livingston <> wrote:> Our group was doing some research on each of you as part of our learning about scammers, and fly by night companies and was interested to find out why Stephen Key took Troy Robison off his website as one of his experts? Seems to us that everyone is learning about your group and shying away from each of you. We thought Troy and Stephen were big buddies. I guess the love affair is over once Stephne learned the truth about your group.
" Lance " was asked by a lady on this harassing email list to stop.
nt: Monday, November 5, 2012 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Stephen Key Dumps Troy
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 9:15 PM
I agree you should be asking him why he charges so much for his information. Because John and you should be asking him to give away all his information for free right? Don’t you agree Inventors could do a lot if they had the 1400 companies looking for inventions for free, instead he is charging almost $1,500 for that information. Or you can pay $30 a month for his other program. According to you and John shouldn’t he just post that for free if he truly wants to help Inventors? Or is there a double standard since he is their friend?
Posted by Roger Brown
Now let's see some of "Lance's " emails.
On Nov 5, 2012, at 8:31 AM, Lance Livingston <> wrote:> Our group was doing some research on each of you as part of our learning about scammers, and fly by night companies and was interested to find out why Stephen Key took Troy Robison off his website as one of his experts? Seems to us that everyone is learning about your group and shying away from each of you. We thought Troy and Stephen were big buddies. I guess the love affair is over once Stephne learned the truth about your group.
" Lance " was asked by a lady on this harassing email list to stop.
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 11:34 AM, xxxxxxxx <> wrote:
Please stop sending me emails. If you don't cease I am going to the local police and report you.His reply
nt: Monday, November 5, 2012 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Stephen Key Dumps Troy
And do what. I am not threatening you in any way. This is the same as you getting SPAM. So go ahead. That is your way of handling every situation isn't it. You threaten with the police, a lawsuit, I saw where you threatened to get your brother in law in the FBI to go after an inventor.
{ She said that to Roger Brown on a group }
We have done a lot of research of your group and how you act. You are very easy to read. You are one sorry ass bully until you get the same treatment then you whine like a little baby.
Hey you idiots like to complain about people charging and not giving it away free. Look what your buddy Stephne Key is doing. Why don't you jump his ass? Look what he was giving away free. below
Now look here directories and your buddy Stephen is charging $30 a month to see his Free list. You and your group should be jumping his ass for screwing inventors. xxxx likes being the hero of the inventing world until it is someone he is kissing their ass just like Troy did with Stephen until Stephen dropped his ass. Guess there is no honor or ethics among you and your dumbass buddies.
Steven did not drop Troy from the expert list, its only Roger and Lance that claim this.
{ And then there is this ! }
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: Instead of Bitching About The UIA
You know xxx you are really a dumbass. You keep saying Roger Mark like a broken record like that makes it real. You need to stop taking the drugs you are on that has you so paranoid you see people that are not there. LOL You really have things mixed up when you say I should stop emailing Nancy because she asked and you say she is a lady. You have a strange definition of a lady. That bitch has a real foul mouth on her, is a bully, likes to threaten people, lies, SPAMS everyone to win a contest and thinks the world has to bend to her wishes. That is why I don't consider her a lady that needs to be respected. Because she isn't a lady. Which is probably why her husband had to get away from her.
When you talk about what people on linkedin know you neglected to mention they all know more about you getting banned and suspended for your shitty posts and your piss poor behavior than anything else you do. That is why we want you go right back to your shit so you can finally be banned altogether. What will you do without linkedin as your soap box to shout from at everyone? You must still be under suspension since you haven't shown up running your mouth.
It looks like at least one person is ignoring you and your group. I asked Roger and Mark for any information about you and your group I could use and look what he emailed me back. I haven't heard from Mark yet. Looks like he doesn't consider you worth a shit. I agree.
{ Notice, there is no email heading, He wrote it and copied it }
Hi Lance,
Thanks for writing. As for your request about wanting information on John and his friends I have to decline. You are wasting your time dealing with them. They aren't worth the trouble. Which is why I just don't respond to them anymore. All anyone has to do is watch what they do on Linkedin to see why they keep getting banned or suspended. Put your efforts into getting your products to market and just let John and his friends make fools of themselves by themselves. I hope you find success with your products.
Roger Brown P.O. Box 7122 North Augusta, SC 29861
Then he asks for us to apply for the UIA board member seat that is upcomming.
From: Lance Livingston <>; Nancy>; gizmo <>; Peter <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: Instead of Bitching About The UIA; Nancy>; gizmo <>; Peter <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: Instead of Bitching About The UIA
All our group has seen is your group bitching about the UIA. One of our group said they are having openings for new board members. Why don't all of you fill out the form for a seat on the board? That way you can try and change things the way you want from the inside? My bet is all of you don't have the balls to do it and would rather just be a bunch of whining bitches on the outside. If you don't join then quit complaining. It will be real easy to see if you applied or not
{ yes its real easy to see if we applied if you are Mark Reyland and Roger Brown, not anyone else would know }
so put your money where your mouth is. You certainly shoot your mouths off enough now. Lets see you do it. Our group has concluded if anyone will do it it will be Nancy since she has all of your balls in her purse anyway. LOL.
{ And this must of really made them mad when an inventor publicly recommended one of us for the board member seat. }
From: Lance Livingston <> To:> Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Instead of Bitching About The UIA

Update, Lance Livingston aka Roger Brown now has a LinkedIn profile, but only as of a couple days ago and not when the emails were sent !
Subject: Re: Instead of Bitching About The UIA
As our inventor group has proven you and your group make assumptions without any proof and have been proven wrong a number of times. Your pal Peter is the one who nominated you so I guess he wants you to get the crabs as you say. Tell me why I should stop emailing xxxxx just because she asks? It is very clear you have been asked numerous times to stop your bullshit and quit ruining threads yet you still continue. Only after you get banned do you stop.
{ Mark Reyland and Roger Brown got this inventor banned for 30 days with thier lies to silence him. }
I am just following your example. So if I am being an asshole it is only a reflection on you and your tactics.
As far as your email address or anyone else's it isn't that hard to find.
{ He is talking about Peter who lives in New Zealand }
We do the same as you and your group and share information. I personally know of 36 inventors that have all of your email addresses. So your theory of who looks at your profile is the guilty party is bullshit.
{{{ Roger Brown went to PETER'S Profile and viewed his profile and got his email address and Peter got his first " Lance " email the same day seen here. " Lance has no LinkedIn profile to see it, " Lance is Fake "
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:47 AM, A Ltd <> wrote:
Are you always this stupid Roger? You are the last person to view my linkedin profile and you looked at it to get my email address to send me this crap. You go on about people having fake profiles yet here you are doing the same thing by contacting me as Lance Livingston. I've forwarded your emails to Linkedin and rang them to explain your sorry story. For some strange reason I thought you were smarter Roger but I guess hanging around with Mark and his fantasy World has caused his delusional behaviour to rub off on you }}}
Let me ask you how many times do you and your group look at Mark Reyland's blog, Roger Brown's website,their profiles, the UIA website and forums? { Again, who would they know if they weren't Mark and Roger } I am sure they are tracking your visits just as you track theirs. I should ask them and lets see if you aren't doing the same thing. If I was them I would check you out regularly so I would know what piece of shit you are posting about me. You would be surprised at how many people in our group and two other groups are all over your groups movements and postings.
I see you don't mention how you overlook the methods of Stephen Key charging inventors monthly for his information when you tell others they should give it away for free. I guess that falls under your double standard again. It is only okay if it is someones ass you are kissing. I see xxxxx is already kissing it.
So, when are you back out on parole with linkedin? { They are talking about the ban that was placed on this inventor that only Mark and Roger know about. } I look forward to seeing your ranting starting all over again. I believe you have sent out emails stating you would get everyone back for your suspension. Lets get it started. Do your worst because it will cost you more than anyone else when linkedin cans your dumb ass. Just like your company you will go down the same drain like the shit you are
We have so much circumstantial evidence, but think you get the picture. so is "Lance" really Mark Reyland and Roger Brown using the "Lance" emails to send their messages. Common sense will tell you.

Roger Brown
Licensing at Edison Nation
- Location
- North Augusta, South Carolina(Augusta, Georgia Area)

Mark T. Reyland
Executive Director at United Inventors Association of America
- Location
- Washington, District Of Columbia(Washington D.C. Metro Area)
Update, Lance Livingston aka Roger Brown now has a LinkedIn profile, but only as of a couple days ago and not when the emails were sent !
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