Every UIA board member is fully aware of Mark Reylands copy that was submitted to Lifetime brands by UIA president Warren Tuttle in executive director of the UIA Mark Reylands behalf.
They even had the law firm of Dorsey & Whitney asking for a pause in informing corporate sponsors of the UIA unethical practices pending an investigation conducted by UIA board members and their law firm. The letter from Dorsey & Whitney clearly says they are " undertaking an assessment of the allegation's ". http://uialiesreyland.blogspot.com/2013_07_01_archive.html
Emails were sent to this firm asking about their assessment results. NO reply from Dorsey & Whitney. No comment from the UIA board members. Mark Reyland is still in charge of the UIA 6 months later. He was never suspended pending the " assessment of allegation's " and still is free and unpunished to do as he pleases at the UIA.
This man took a mom from Texas's invention and attempted to exploit it for his own financial gain. The UIA played part of this, Joe Fournier FORMER corporate sponsor director, made the CAD's ( at Mark Reylands insistence, Joe is a friend of the lady also ) of Mark Reylands copy colander. Warren Tuttle President of the UIA ( also a friend of the lady inventor and was the one who got her invention licensed ) took the copy with full knowledge that it was a copy of his clients product that he successfully licensed for this lady, to the company where he is a scout and presented it for a licensing deal on Mark Reyland's behalf. Lifetime said no they didn't like it, so on a flight on UIA board member AJ Khubani's private jet in route to a UIA event, Mark Reyland then presented his copy of the colander to AJ. AJ didn't like it. And to top it all off, the materials to make the copy of a mom from Texas's invention for Mark Reyland to bump her out of the market and obtain his own licensing deal were purchased with a UIA credit card ( we have copies of the receipt's ).
Now with just this 1 claim backed with fact, any ethical non profit organization would have demanded Mark Reyland's resignation from its organization.
Its like being the director of a non profit wife abuse organization and beating your wife behind closed doors and the board knows about and has been shown the victim but chooses to sweep it under the rug.
The UIA was founded to be a voice for inventors and setting an ethical standard in the industry and to educate inventors for free.
What the UIA is now, is an organization that exploit's inventors products ( proven in the link above ) and accepting sponsorship fees from companies that are not background checked to profit from inventors. It has no or little educational value other than Mark Reyland's distorted blog posts.
This non profit wont reprimand or remove an executive director that violated the inventors they represent. Companies still are sponsor's of them, the board still allows it.
We have been told that this blog is referred to as " the hate blog " by Mark Reyland and his supporters. He tells everyone that we are a group of "disgruntled inventors with a goal of putting a bullet in his head " and " his wife left him in fear for her safety ". He tells people that " he lives in constant fear and lives at sevearl location's so we wont seek him out and put a bullet in his head ".And anyone that associates with us is going to get " the kiss of death " in the industry.
Here is the truth, we do not wish any harm to Mark Reyland, we want him removed from his position at the UIA because of his unethical behavior. We want the UIA to restructure and have board members who take their responsibilities on behalf of the independent inventors seriously and care enough to act in a timely manner when an inventor is mistreated, abused, exploited, ripped off.
We are the inventors that want better, we are you and you us. We have seen this get so far out of control for so long with no one to step up and be a voice for all inventors wellbeing. We did and continue and will continue until we have an ethical non profit that doesn't support their executive directors lifestyle with funds to help inventors. A non profit that wont sell out to companies with questionable reputations to fund themselves and pay for their trips and parties with funds for inventors.
After all of this information on this blog alone with proof of every allegation to warn inventors and sponsor's, we are called a " hate blog " we are the " kiss of death " and " want to kill Mark Reyland ", ( which none of us would even hurt him much less serve a life sentence to " Kill Him "). Its crazy and getting totally ridicules with Mark Reylands claims for sympathy that he tells anyone that will listen.
The truth is, without the UIA Mark Reyland is a nobody, they fully fund his lifestyle, they give him the spotlight he so desperately needs. With his claims of thousands of successful selling products on the market, why does he use the UIA credit card to purchase home improvement items. pay for his wife's car registration, groceries while in his home town, dinners while in his home town and items to copy an inventors invention ( we have copies of the receipt's ).
Truth is because he lives off that UIA credit card to fund inventors best interest. Its been abused and continues to be abused. We have seen copies of all his expense receipts provided by an ex employee of the UIA.
He will do anything and say anything to hold on to all that the UIA gives him.
Has anyone ever heard of Mark Reyland before being the UIA executive director ?
But unfortunately its the ONLY non profit inventor resource.
Also we would like to add that the UIA and QVC sprouts, Fund a Geek site is dead and for sale.
The UIA boasted the inventors were getting funding via Fund a Geek like a "rocket ".
Perhaps its the UIA that is " the kiss of death " after all.
FundaGeek Partners With Inventors' Group

Yucca Valley-based FundaGeek, an online, crowdfunding site headed by Dan Gutierrez, said this week that it has entered into a partnership with the United Inventors Association of America (UIA). According to FundaGeek, the group will use FundaGeek as a crowdfunding resource to help inventors with projects. The two firms also said they are working with home shopping channel QVC, as part of a new program called QVC Sprouts. That deal calls for inventors with retail ready products to be selected and placed on the QVC website, and to be given the chance to give sales presentations on QVC. The firms did not detail how FundaGeek ties into those efforts.
From Mark Reyland
"Knowing that funding is often the largest obstacle an inventor will face – it is our pleasure to introduce a program we have been working on for many months with a company we have come to respect called FundaGeek. This program uses a relatively new process for gaining funding in small increments from people all over the world. The process is called “Crowd Funding” and although it takes a dedicated effort on your part, it has become a proven and successful way of funding invention projects."

For Sale
The website technology upon which FundaGeek was built stood strong for three years without any technical issues. The site never experienced downtime or a breach in security, an accomplishment worth noting.With equity crowdfunding on the horizon, consider purchasing the FundaGeek codebase to jumpstart your move into this dynamic industry.
The sale includes:
- FundaGeek website, developed with Microsoft .NET technology. SQL Server license required.
- FundaGeek registered trademarks (United States and International)
- FundaGeek.com domain name
- FundaGeek Twitter Account
- FundaGeek Facebook Page
You can click on menu links to see many of the static pages but you won't be able to use dynamic functionality.
Click here for additional information about the design of the FundaGeek site, the technical requirements and licensing options.
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