Silence for them not addressing these accusations and trying to silence those of us exposing the fraud and deception. How they are paying for this attorney, we don't know, because they are broke. Last we heard they had a negative bank account balance of $700 and only weeks before this they had less than $2000 in the UIA account. From the looks of the letter the attorney sent it was a favor, because it had no legal content and look like it took 5 minuets to draft.
So the UIA is going to fight to keep their strangle hold on the inventing industry huh ? Instead of cutting out the cancer that is killing them and begin to heal, they choose to load up on pain killers and await their deaths.
During all of this going on after they were exposed and now having 2 sponsor's drop them due to the actions of Mark Reyland and deceptive practices of their board member owned InventionHome shown here, they want to keep Mark Reyland and Russ Williams so bad they are willing to fight for them.
Everything you read on this blog is 100% true and backed with email proof, videos, links. We have so much more that are far better stories but wont post them because the proof needed to back them would lead to the identity of those that shared the stories with us. And when we say we wont expose your identity, we keep our word. We will not post stories unless we post the proof with it. But the rest of what we know would shock you, { well probably not after reading about the UIA thus far }.
Here is the attorney letter representing the UIA proudly. After the letter from the attorney will be the reply from John Young. It didn't have the effect they intended it to have.
John's reply
From: john young <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 6:49 PM
Subject: The attachments are just some of what's being sponsored
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 6:49 PM
Subject: The attachments are just some of what's being sponsored
Hello Mr. Cattanach,
Its a pleasant surprise to finally here from the law firm reviewing the UIAREYLANDLIES BlogSpot over the past month. We saw you there multiple times reading all the threads. So seeing how you are fully aware of the accusations and the proof of them posted against the UIA and the board members being unethical and in one case criminal. I'm sure you can see its all true posted with proof of all accusations. So as I offered the UIA board members and am now making the same offer to you and your firm, if there is anything you see that is false, show it to me with your proof that it is indeed false and I will see that its removed and an apology posted in its place.
As in your letter you and the UIA are investigation these accusations. I can hardly wait for the details of your investigation, I'm sure you and the UIA are making it a priority and the UIA and your firm has taken the appropriate steps in suspending Mark Reyland pending your investigation. Its been months now and Mark Reyland is still in the drivers seat at the UIA. Of course the UIA board wont do anything or its president about Mark Reyland, every time I tried to address my concerns and show proof I was threatened with police action, which only makes me more determined to have these issues addressed in behalf of the inventors they represent.
Now I get this letter from you and your firm representing the UIA. You are telling me as I read this letter saying that I'm intentionally interfering with UIA's relationships with its sponsor's. Well that's not an accurate definition of what I'm doing, what I'm doing is saying layman's terms Mark Reyland is defecating in the UIA bed that the sponsor's share and I'm just holding the sheets up to show them proof of the stain he leaves. I'm warning them that by being associated with the UIA and being publically listed as a sponsor they are sharing this bed he soils. If they are aware of what has and is happening and the UIA diet doesn't change they risk laying in it and being soiled as well. The sponsor's can always donate privately so there is no monetary reason for as you say "interfering " but just trying to keep clean companies clean and giving then the CHOICE to continue sleeping in the UIA bed.
I also feel that your letter is an attempt to implying that I'm breaking laws by contacting companies publicly listed and telling them the truth about what I know. The UIA is a non profit but all the board members own or have interest in invention submission companies. The invention submission companies they own are advertised at the UIA blog, So any inventor that contracts with the board member owned companies profit from the non profit they oversee. Case in point Invention Home owned by Russell Williams UIA board member. After reading your letter you and your firm sent me, It made me remember a story I forgot to have posted with proof of its fraudulent dealings. Now that you got me on this subject after all was quite for a while have a look. http://uialiesreyland. board-member-owned-invention- home.html as you can see its true with the email to prove it. I have so much more evidence about the UIA's using a non profit to profit its board members. Would it be ethical for me to withhold want I know as fact from those that it effects ?
The UIA is suppose to protect inventors, not lie and profit from them and the sponsor's are representing these lies unknowingly. I'm giving them the CHOICE to be fully aware of what I find as I find it now or in the past. 2 sponsor's have thanked me out of the 2 that replied back. Its posted for all to see to be totally transparent and hiding nothing. So if I'm hiding nothing and being thanked by the sponsor's, that means that its a valid reason with no malice.
The problem in the invention industry because its unregulated and nothing is enforced because there is no acting agency to enforce it . These invention submission companies get away with misrepresenting and scamming inventors with false information I.E. Invention Home and give them little if nothing for the money they spend. And you have Mark Reyland, King of illusions smoke and mirrors, he has false credentials that the UIA never validated before hiring him, Warren Tuttle The UIA president told me that they did not check them during our onetime phone conversation. Do you really believe that Mark Reyland was a liaison representing the U.S as advisor to the Korean Governments defense ministry as a Non commissioned officer an E-5 Staff Sargent, and all his NSA dealings ? executive-director If you do it doesn't say much about your knowledge of our government. Also all of his successful selling products that he brought to market. According to the Linked In recommendation that he approved for post from some unknowing lady it numbers in the thousands. And this is what inventors are reading and believing. Read it for yourself and then tell me if you were a new impressionable inventor you wouldn't want to know the truth and not be bombarded with these outrageous lies ! mark-t-reyland/1a/101/ab8
Petisamaria G. Hall
Ceo, President, Product Developer, Author, & Entrepreneur, at PrestigiousCreations, LLC in Florida.
Mark T. Reyland has been in the product invention industry for over 35 years. He has brought thousands of products to market and shares his experiences with millions, everyday. I am truely honored that a gentleman of his stature has recommended me & my product invention. "Thank you very much, Mr. Mark Reyland!"So these are lies posted for inventors to believe and approved lies not validated by the UIA, so no one governs them, they are free to lie and deceive and now your law firm has joined in to help the lies and deception continue.
So seeing how you are helping them, would it be wise for me to follow any of you and your firms advice and or suggestions and implication I'm doing this with malicious intent ? I think not ! As you can see in my emails to the sponsor's I'm only telling them facts with proof which I will bring to court when the time arises.
So you are fully aware I have no intention of NOT protecting inventors or these companies that sponsor this outrageous deceptive organization that puts them at risk whether it be by association or being advised and following this non profit that does not have the inventors best interest at heart. I will continue to inform them of unethical and deceptive practices, that you can clearly see is happening and approved by the entire UIA board. The UIA will not do anything about it, Ive given them chances and never gotten a response until I went public. Now suddenly your firm and the UIA are going to investigate.
Just to give you an example how unethical this organization is, I would like to use the following analogy. Its like the American cancer society having tobacco companies as board members and sponsoring their board member owned tobacco companies. Or a duck sanctuary who's board members are all avid duck hunters. Bring the ducks to the sanctuary on the weekdays and they hunt them on the weekends.
So I think I've explained myself in ways I normally wouldn't just to give you a clear understanding of why Im doing this and will see it through until the UIA removes Mark Reyland and makes changes to be the organization it was intended to be. And at the very least the UIA owes all inventors a public apology for allowing this to go on and trying to hide it and silence the whistle blowers. The UIA president should go with mark Reyland for allowing Mark Reyland so much power over some of its board members. I know as fact that one ethical board member asked for Mark Reyland to step down from his position and was overruled by Warren Tuttle. Mark Reyland not only serves as the executive director but is on the executive committee and they require a unanimous vote to remove a board member. So let me guess Mark Reyland will vote himself out of office. The president should never allowed this but did and the UIA is Mark Reyland's and no one else has a say.
So until I get a court order to stop contacting sponsor's I will continue. And when we go to court for the hearing it will have to be here in Florida and within my county. I am a disabled American who is under doctors orders not to travel more than a few miles at a time. This is due to a broken neck I suffered and have 6 screws and bone from my hip fused in. Along with this I also suffer uncontrollable high blood pressure that made my kidneys fail once. so flying is totally out of the question. I'm on blood pressure medications they use for emergency treatment of blood pressure condition's to quickly stabiles them on a daily basis.
I will be glad to attend any hearing or lawsuit and plan to file a counter claim against Mark Reyland and the UIA for defamation and slander with lies posted on Linked In and the UIA website about me and my company stating that the FBI has me under investigation and other outrageous lies which I have proof of. See there is a difference in what I post and say, mine is all true and has proof posted with it. Mark Reyland and the UIA's are all lies and I can and will prove they are in a court of law. I will bring the UIA soiled sheets for DNA testing to prove that Mark Reyland did defecate in the UIA bed. Then I wont have to explain my actions to you or the UIA.
Its never been against the law to tell the truth, even the courts make you swear to do it. I will cc you in all future sponsor contact to show you and the courts I'm hiding nothing or doing it maliciously. As I said I'm doing it in their interest and if the sponsor's still choose to support the UIA after all is said and done, they just might continue their support but not want to be listed. Its their choice and you have no power or right to try to stop me from exposing the UIA's reputation at the risk of ethical companies, just to hide the UIA's soiled sheets.
Also, please consider this your notification from me that any communication I have with you and your firm will be subject to public posting. The inventors have a right to see what is happening and your communication came to me unsolicited and I have no obligation to keep them private.
Thank you

John Young