Also it was sent to the UIA sponsor's !
From: john young <tandjyoungt>
To: "Bmchenry" <Bmchenry>; "rwilliams" <rwilliams>; trevor@lambert <trevor@lambert "jcedctw" <jcedctw@>; "proformancemarketing." <proformancemarketing.>; "kbloemer" <kbloemer>; AJ@telebrand <AJ@telebrands.>; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim>; "rpg@fg-law." <rpg@fg-law.>; "tellockinc" <tellockinc>; "wwtuttle" <wwtuttle>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 8:35 PM
Subject: UIA
Hello UIA board members,
Its been 1 month since the story about Mark Reyland copying an invention for personal gain. Not just any inventor, but someone he knew. Your UIA president presented this copy to Lifetime Brands to be considered for a licensing contract. Warren helped the inventor Lesia Farmer { the inventor that was copied by Mark Reyland } obtain a licensing contract from Lifetime Brands that is still active. Now Warren is not obligated to show Lifetime Brands every submission he receives, he instead Scouts for products of possible interest to Lifetime Brands. So there was no obligation to represent Mark Reyland as a client { or show them }. It was Warrens choice to represent Mark Reyland and show Lifetime Brands { although he and Mark may not have had a contract between them, he was still presenting it on Mark Reylands behalf }. Now would Warren have done this for the average inventor with the copy mark Reyland made ? Im not being sarcastic here, but if you saw it you would think it came from a preschool inventing contest, it had no possibility of being market in its current design. But this is not the issue here, the issue is that Warren even himself said it didn't have a chance but still submitted it for Mark Reyland. But for the relationship between Mark Reyland and Warren Tuttle it would most likely not been submitted to Lifetime Brands if it were a submission from an average inventor.
This is a conflict of interest and could have possibly harmed Leisa Farmers licensing contract with Lifetime Brands. On top of this and the main reason for all of this outrage over the matter, is the executive director of a non profit inventor resource { meaning its existence is to help independent inventors } made a copy of an inventor friend of his without her consent. He went so far as to ask Lesia Farmer for her patent application so he could design around the claims. She wisely refused to show him and wasn't happy about Mark Reyland trying to make a knock off of her newly licensed product. Is this the help your UIA is offering, to copy and interfere with existing licensing contracts and presenting them to the same company that has the licensing contract in place ?
For this reason alone Mark Reyland should be removed from his position with in the UIA. Also it puts a huge question mark over your UIA presidents participation in all of this. His hands are not clean of this issue, he was involved. Also Lifetime Brands rejected Warren and Mark Reylands knock off submission. but did it end there ? No Mark Reyland then showed it to AJ Kubani on his jet on its way to an event to see if he was interested.
Now everyone of you UIA board members are fully aware of the accusations against Mark Reyland and Warren Tuttle for unethical practices within your organization.
Also I would like to discuses Russell Williams board member and owner of Invention Home and Submit My Invention submission services. Submit my Invention is a software Invention submission site that sends your invention submissions to selected companies such as Rubbermaid, Irwin tools, Crown Bolt and other reputable companies. Once your submission is rejected by these companies an email is sent from Submit My Invention to the inventor acting as the companies that were submitted to. It goes on to say { These are actual emails sent from Submit My Invention }
From: Crown Bolt Company < >
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:53 AM
Subject: Decision reached regarding your submission - no strip nut lock
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:53 AM
Subject: Decision reached regarding your submission - no strip nut lock
Dear jonh,
Thank you for your interest in Crown Bolt Company. We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, you may want to consider contacting InventionHome. InventionHome shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. Our experience with them has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like ours is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of InventionHome at russ.williams@inventionhome. com or by calling 1-866-844-6512 . We have copied him on this email.
We wish you the best of luck.
Crown Bolt Company
Thank you for your interest in Crown Bolt Company. We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, you may want to consider contacting InventionHome. InventionHome shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. Our experience with them has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like ours is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of InventionHome at russ.williams@inventionhome.
We wish you the best of luck.
Crown Bolt Company
From: IRWIN Tools [mailto:NoReply@]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 11:18 AM
Cc: russ.williams@inventionhome. com
Subject: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 11:18 AM
Cc: russ.williams@inventionhome.
Subject: Decision reached regarding your submission - Finger Blade
Dear john,
Thank you for your interest in IRWIN Tools . We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, we recommend InventionHome. InventionHome shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. They can also assist you through the patenting and design processes if needed, then share your invention with appropriate companies within their network of more than 3,500 manufacturers and distributors. Our experience with InventionHome has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like us is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of InventionHome at russ.williams@inventionhome. com or by calling 1-866-844-6512
Thank you for your interest in IRWIN Tools . We have reviewed your submission and unfortunately at this time we do not feel it fits our criteria. We appreciate your interest in our company and welcome other product / invention submissions you may have in our product categories.
If you need help marketing or presenting your invention to other companies, we recommend InventionHome. InventionHome shares inventions with other companies, like ours, that are looking for new product ideas. They can also assist you through the patenting and design processes if needed, then share your invention with appropriate companies within their network of more than 3,500 manufacturers and distributors. Our experience with InventionHome has been positive and their system for sharing ideas with companies like us is efficient and puts your best foot forward.
You can contact Russell Williams, President of InventionHome at russ.williams@inventionhome.
begin_of_th Russell is also on the board of directors for the United Inventors Association, the industry's premier inventor association. We have copied him on this email.
We wish you the best of luck.
We wish you the best of luck.
These emails are signed as the companies, but these companies did not send them and notice the senders address. They did not write the endorsement of Invention Home. Invention Home and Submit My Invention and Russell Williams did. Its a LIE and FRAUD !
Its special interest that sends the rejected inventors to Invention Home for Invention Home to profit from ! And its being pushed by the UIA to be part of the sponsor's service agreement. Again conflict of interest and totally unethical to lie to these trusting inventors .
So who is the UIA serving by lying and coping inventions, who is really benefiting and profiting from all of this.
All this and more has been brought to your UIA president Warren Tuttle's attention, yet he does nothing ! I recently sent Warren an email saying I wanted to give him a chance to deal with this issue before I contacted board members and sponsor's. His reply " I will be sending this, and any further threatening e-mails, to the Port Saint Lucie police department. " So as you can see this issue will not be handled in the manner which is appropriate, his relationship With Mark Reyland is too strong. So now Im asking each of the UIA board members to address this in a manner that it warrant's.
Any ethical organization would have suspended Mark Reyland until a full investigation took place, weighted the facts and addressed it accordingly. But not Warren Tuttle, he allows Mark Reyland to post on Linked In and on the UIA blog and UIA facebook all his self promoting propaganda. This shows inventors its an " in your face " issue " just deal with it ".
I for one will not rest until the UIA addresses this issue in a public forum. You have the UIA BlogSpot and Facebook and Linked In so your voice can be heard. This is a public issue because you are a non profit and they are suppose to be transparent and represent the public interest.
Everyone of you board members are responsible from this day forward because Im alerting you to the issue's here and now. Seeing that this is an inventor issue and concerns all inventors, I will be posting this email on a public blog for all to see that you have all been notified. And any replies will be posted publically as well and no response will also be posted as " didn't reply back ".
This is a reflection of each of you board members and how you handle serious issues involving the UIA. Also it reflects how you conduct business and if you address issues of simply wait for the storm to die. It show you as individuals and how and if you really care about the inventors best interest.
You can thank Mark Reyland for all of this and Warren Tuttle for putting each one of you in this position. If Warren Tuttle would have handled it in a timely and professional manner and Mark Reyland would have just quieted down and not keep posting on Linked In and on the UIA BlogSpot and UIA facebook, you would have not to had to be contacted and put in this position awaiting a public reply.
I have made a deal with Warren Tuttle that anything posted on these blog's are a lie, I would see that its removed and an apology posted in its place. He has yet to find any and he was looking also ! Im making this same offer to each and everyone of you as well.
Now each one are fully informed and I would be happy to post your reply to show you do care and take your positions in our industry seriously. If you don't reply I guess we will take it as not a serious issue and you side with Warren Tuttle and Mark Reyland and condone the way they handle it and do the same.
Remember, this is for all inventors to show them you care and take your responsibilities' as UIA board members seriously !
Thank you
John Young
{ Update this email was sent Saturday and on Monday morning we were sent an email stating that 1 sponsor will not be renewing its sponsorship. }

{ We would like to thank China2West Services for standing up for the inventors and dropping the UIA }

{ Another sponsor of the UIA that will NOT renew its sponsorship ! A huge thank you to Slingshot development partners group for putting inventors first ! }
We will now post the UIA board members replies as they come in.
Warren Tuttle UIA president was the first to respond back with this email. Following his email was my reply and Nancy's.
Note the full email addresses have been hidden to protect their contact privacy.
From: Warren Tuttle wwtuttle@yahoo
To: john young <>
Cc: "Bmchenry@" <Bmchenry@>; rwilliams@inventionhome. rwilliams@inventionhome.; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert.; "jcedctw" <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarketing shynd@proformancemarketing; "kbloemer1" < kbloemer1>; AJ@telebrands. AJ@telebrands.; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim>; rpg@fg-law. rpg@fg-law.; "tellockinc" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: UIA
John Young
{ Update this email was sent Saturday and on Monday morning we were sent an email stating that 1 sponsor will not be renewing its sponsorship. }
{ We would like to thank China2West Services for standing up for the inventors and dropping the UIA }

{ Another sponsor of the UIA that will NOT renew its sponsorship ! A huge thank you to Slingshot development partners group for putting inventors first ! }
We will now post the UIA board members replies as they come in.
Warren Tuttle UIA president was the first to respond back with this email. Following his email was my reply and Nancy's.
Note the full email addresses have been hidden to protect their contact privacy.
From: Warren Tuttle wwtuttle@yahoo
To: john young <>
Cc: "Bmchenry@" <Bmchenry@>; rwilliams@inventionhome. rwilliams@inventionhome.; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert.; "jcedctw" <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarketing shynd@proformancemarketing; "kbloemer1" < kbloemer1>; AJ@telebrands. AJ@telebrands.; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim>; rpg@fg-law. rpg@fg-law.; "tellockinc" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: UIA
John, Please stop sending emails to the UIA Board or we will begin forwarding them to the Port Saint Lucie police.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
My reply to the UIA president Warren Tuttle and all board members.
From: john young <>
To: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
Cc: "Bmchenry" Bmchenry@esmsales; rwilliams@inventionhome rwilliams@inventionhome; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert; "jcedctw" <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarke shynd@proformancemarke; "kbloemer" < kbloemer>; AJ@telebrands AJ@telebrands; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim>; rpg@fg-law. rpg@fg-; "tellockinc" <tellockinc
To: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
Cc: "Bmchenry" Bmchenry@esmsales; rwilliams@inventionhome rwilliams@inventionhome; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert; "jcedctw" <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarke shynd@proformancemarke; "kbloemer" < kbloemer>; AJ@telebrands AJ@telebrands; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim>; rpg@fg-law. rpg@fg-; "tellockinc" <tellockinc
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: UIA
Subject: Re: UIA
What will be your complaint to the Port Saint Lucie police, what laws am I breaking ? Please inform me immediately of this and I will cease at once. Incase you haven't noticed these are company and personal email addresses, not UIA email addresses. So until I get a request from any one of them to stop all contact, I'm not breaking any laws. I'm not threatening or harassing them, I'm only informing them of what I know to be the truth.
If the vice president of the United States is acting in an unethical manner that puts Americans at risk, one might contact the president. If the president fails to address it, then one might contact congress. And if that fails to get action taken on behalf of the American public, one might alert the public. Its called freedom of speech and I am exercising that right.
If any of my claims or accusations are deemed false, then take me to court and sue me for defamation and slander. Otherwise you have no right to threaten me with police action when I within the boundaries of the law.
So I am following the proper protocol on behalf of all inventors interest and wellbeing.
As for the board members, if anyone of them want me to stop contacting them because they have no interest in UIA issues. Have the ones who feel this way, send me an email requesting I stop all contact. I would be more than happy to make it a public record and post it for all to see that I have been warned, and I will comply with that request.
Subject: Re: UIA
From: Nancy Tedeschi <snap>
To: john young <>
Cc: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: UIA
From: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
To: john young <>
Cc: "Bmchenry" <Bmchenry>; rwilliams@inventionhome rwilliams@inventionhome; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert; "jcedctwt" <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarket shynd@proformanc; "kbloemer" <kbloemer>; "AJ@" <AJ@>; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim@>; rpg@fg rpg@fg; "tellockinc" <tellockinc>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:08 AMTo: john young <>
Cc: "Bmchenry" <Bmchenry>; rwilliams@inventionhome rwilliams@inventionhome; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert; "jcedctwt" <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarket shynd@proformanc; "kbloemer" <kbloemer>; "AJ@" <AJ@>; "Walgreenjim" <Walgreenjim@>; rpg@fg rpg@fg; "tellockinc" <tellockinc>
Subject: Re: UIA
Considerately, many of your emails and public posts are erroneous, filled with nothing more than ill conceived conjecture. Your primary purpose is to be disruptive, and at times even threatening. You have lost any credibility with your long trail of documented communications, so we ask that you stop contacting us. I have asked you already to stop contacting me personally and and yet you continue. The Police have already directly warned you, in person, not to continue contacting people if they request you not to. It appear you are not getting the message. This is unfortunate. Counsel will draft a more formal reply that will be used in the future from all UIA Board members when you contact or otherwise harass them and if you still continue, all of your emails will be turned over to the appropriate authorities. Thanks for understanding.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
To: john young <>
Cc: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: UIA
The Port Lucie police do not care about your emails as long as they are not threatening and yours was not. You do not have to stop sending them as long as all you say is the truth. Please copy me on all your emails. The UIA is a not for profit educational organization set up to educate inventor of which you are one of. Keep your emails because Warrens email was a threat.
The UIA is a not for profit organization and it is not against the law to email the board of directors especially with information that is happening within the organization. It actually will help with he case we have and allow all of them to be educated.
The Port Lucie police do not care about your emails as long as they are not threatening and yours was not. You do not have to stop sending them as long as all you say is the truth. Please copy me on all your emails. The UIA is a not for profit educational organization set up to educate inventor of which you are one of. Keep your emails because Warrens email was a threat.
From: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
To: Nancy Tedeschi <snapits>; john young <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
To: Nancy Tedeschi <snapits>; john young <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
We have a large collection of John's e-mails and posts that show a continued attempt to harass. John has already been pulled in by the police and specifically warned not to continue. This will add to that record, which given what he has done in the past will not help him. We will patiently reply wit the same message and build a file. Please note the UIA is not harassing you in any way and we would expect you not to harass the UIA. In the meanwhile Nancy, given a demonstrated lack of credibility, that I have pointed out to you already, and your egging on John that is not helpful to him, I am requesting that you no longer email me. Thank you for understanding. Now please go do something positive for the inventor community, which I know you can, if you put your mind to it.
Warren Tuttle
Lifetime Brands, Open Innovation
Lifetime Brands, Open Innovation
Power Tool Innovation, Open Innovation
United Inventors Association, President
United Inventors Association, President
From: Nancy Tedeschi <snapit>
To: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
Cc: john young <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
To: Warren Tuttle <wwtuttle>
Cc: john young <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
Dear Warren,
I am doing something very positive and that is exposing the scams that are out there. Please block my email address so you no longer receive my emails that expose the organizations that you are involved in, you know what they say "ignorance is biiss," just sad it has to be with someone who professes to be a leader. No worries I will take you off the list and just sent to the other board members.
From: john young <>
To: Warren Tuttle wwtuttle@y
Cc: "Bmchenry@" <Bmchenry@>; rwilliams@inventionhome rwilliams@inventionhome; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert; jcedctw@m <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarke shynd@proformancemarket; "kbloemer" < kbloemer>; AJ@teleb AJ@teleb; "Walgreenjim@" <Walgreenjim@>; rpg@fg- rpg@fg-; "tellockinc" <tellockinc>; Nancy Tedeschi <snapits>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
To: Warren Tuttle wwtuttle@y
Cc: "Bmchenry@" <Bmchenry@>; rwilliams@inventionhome rwilliams@inventionhome; trevor@lambert trevor@lambert; jcedctw@m <jcedctw>; shynd@proformancemarke shynd@proformancemarket; "kbloemer" < kbloemer>; AJ@teleb AJ@teleb; "Walgreenjim@" <Walgreenjim@>; rpg@fg- rpg@fg-; "tellockinc" <tellockinc>; Nancy Tedeschi <snapits>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
Warren ,
This is the first time you have asked me not to contact you. Your last email saying anything about non contact said " I do not wish to receive any more threatening e-mails." So this is what you wrote to me, it didn't say I wish for no more contact, it said " no more threatening emails " and none of these emails have been threatening. So now I have a clear request for no contact, I will abide by the request.
As for other board members, you cant speak for them and have no right speaking on their behalf. Just so you fully understand what the PSL police requested of me, it was not to contact Mark Reyland via email or other communication. They never brought up the name Warren Tuttle and I was never asked not to contact UIA board members.
AS for your comment here " many of your emails and public posts are erroneous , filled with nothing more than ill conceived conjecture " I offered you the opportunity to show me anything that was false { a lie } and I would see that it was removed and an apology put in its place. You failed to do so everything remains.
As far as me threatening you, you have a strange definition of it. But you in turn clearly threaten me with police action, strait of the Mark Reyland intimidation training book.
You and only you have received my last email to you and this email is confirmation that I have received it.
John Young
UIA Board member Michael Miller doesn't want to be bothered with it ! Note that the UIA administration email address is responded to by Mark Reyland himself and they all know this and there are no in-house attorney's to deal with it ! Its like asking your mugger to borrow his cell phone to call the police to report his robbery !!!! Pass the buck UIA Hide and deny it all .
From: Michael Miller <>
To: john young <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: No contact request
UIA Board member Michael Miller doesn't want to be bothered with it ! Note that the UIA administration email address is responded to by Mark Reyland himself and they all know this and there are no in-house attorney's to deal with it ! Its like asking your mugger to borrow his cell phone to call the police to report his robbery !!!! Pass the buck UIA Hide and deny it all .
From: Michael Miller <>
To: john young <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: No contact request
Mr. Young
While I appreciate your passion, I am requesting that you to no longer contact me on this or any other matter.
If you have an issue you feel requires attention please refer your correspondence to our attorneys using the email address.
Michael Miller
From: Jessica Delich <>
To: 'john young' <>
Cc: Jessica Delich <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 5:24 PM
Subject: RE: UIA
{ Ken Bloemer doesn't want to hear about it either }
From: Kenneth Bloemer kbloemer1@uda
To: john young <>
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
From: Jessica Delich <>
To: 'john young' <>
Cc: Jessica Delich <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 5:24 PM
Subject: RE: UIA
Dear Mr. Young,
I respectfully request that you remove me from your email list, and that you do not contact me in the future. Please direct any correspondence to the UIA attorneys via administrative email at
Thank you for your cooperation,
Jessica Delich
Director of Tradeshow Programs
The United Inventors Association of America
1025 Connecticut Ave Suite 1000 | Washington, DC 20036
202.857.9730 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
202.857.9730 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting x5048 Office | 202.857.9731 Fax |

Jessica Delich
Director of Tradeshow Programs
The United Inventors Association of America
1025 Connecticut Ave Suite 1000 | Washington, DC 20036
{ Ken Bloemer doesn't want to hear about it either }
From: Kenneth Bloemer kbloemer1@uda
To: john young <>
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: UIA
Mr Young,
Stop sending emails to me.
Stop sending emails to me.
More replies will be posted as they come in.
{ UPDATE AS OF JULY 3RD MARK REYLAND REMAINS ACTIVE WITH THE UIA, Shamelessly self promoting and remaining active on LinkedIn. Not a day missed posting on the UIA BlogSpot, nor promoting the posts on LinkedIn. We think this little blonde lady speaks for the disregard of the UIA and its sponsor's allowing him to remain their spokesman. }
{ UPDATE AS OF JULY 3RD MARK REYLAND REMAINS ACTIVE WITH THE UIA, Shamelessly self promoting and remaining active on LinkedIn. Not a day missed posting on the UIA BlogSpot, nor promoting the posts on LinkedIn. We think this little blonde lady speaks for the disregard of the UIA and its sponsor's allowing him to remain their spokesman. }

Mark T. Reyland • In 1870 Congress passed a law rescinding the requirement that your invention actually work. Opening the door for a system that regularly awards patent protection on "ideas" instead of "Inventions"
The unintended result of this change was the development of patent Trolls, who (just like their little brothers did with domain names in the 90's) squat on idea patents until some inventor decides to solve the problem, or some company brings it to market for us as consumers to use, and then they beat him up for a quick buck.
The founding fathers always intended to create a system that rewards inventors (not innovators, or idea people) by giving them societal protection for the work they did in making things that help all of us. In fact, they felt so strongly about this issue that they put it in the constitution. That's right, the protection afforded inventors for their inventions is written right in the US Constitution.
My own opinion is that Jefferson and the boys never intend to provide patent protection on ideas - simply because until 1880 you were required to present a working model of your invention to the USPTO - that alone clearly shows the intent behind the patent system.
Idea patents are a more modern twist to the process and their exploitation was, and is, inevitable.
So can you patent ideas in the US patent system? sure, and since 1880 when the USPTO implemented the 1870 change - millions of people have.
The unintended result of this change was the development of patent Trolls, who (just like their little brothers did with domain names in the 90's) squat on idea patents until some inventor decides to solve the problem, or some company brings it to market for us as consumers to use, and then they beat him up for a quick buck.
The founding fathers always intended to create a system that rewards inventors (not innovators, or idea people) by giving them societal protection for the work they did in making things that help all of us. In fact, they felt so strongly about this issue that they put it in the constitution. That's right, the protection afforded inventors for their inventions is written right in the US Constitution.
My own opinion is that Jefferson and the boys never intend to provide patent protection on ideas - simply because until 1880 you were required to present a working model of your invention to the USPTO - that alone clearly shows the intent behind the patent system.
Idea patents are a more modern twist to the process and their exploitation was, and is, inevitable.
So can you patent ideas in the US patent system? sure, and since 1880 when the USPTO implemented the 1870 change - millions of people have.
Ann Smith • Patents are protection from others capitalizing on all your hard work and success. Then you have people who just try to design around it and dip in some of your gravy.
Mr Reyland, How can you show your face and talk about protection, when you tried to design around a product that your friend had licensed successfully. Not only that, you use your UIA board members to help exploit that ladies invention.
You abused your position and trust to protect and help inventors. This is fine with the UIA that as serving as their executive director you design around another inventor that you know and claim to of helped.
I just think anyone serving on the UIA board should remain neutral in the inventing industry. Not trying to steal from inventors for personal financial gain.
You did this and the UIA knows and knew about it, but you still show your face with no shame and try to represent the inventors that you tried to steal from. It makes me sick to see you on these forums. The UIA has lost all creditability because of you and a female mom almost lost her contract with your interference and attempt to take from her. There is no excuse for this behavior, none at all, its a slap in the face to all inventors for you to be hear preaching what your self violate.
No one else will speak up and tell you what a @$!^% scumbag you are, but I will.
http://lesiasinventionworld. to-questions-regarding-mark. html#comment-form
http://inventorswelcome. blows-whistle-on-united_2695. html
You are the lowest of the low, please do us all a favor and leave !
Mr Reyland, How can you show your face and talk about protection, when you tried to design around a product that your friend had licensed successfully. Not only that, you use your UIA board members to help exploit that ladies invention.
You abused your position and trust to protect and help inventors. This is fine with the UIA that as serving as their executive director you design around another inventor that you know and claim to of helped.
I just think anyone serving on the UIA board should remain neutral in the inventing industry. Not trying to steal from inventors for personal financial gain.
You did this and the UIA knows and knew about it, but you still show your face with no shame and try to represent the inventors that you tried to steal from. It makes me sick to see you on these forums. The UIA has lost all creditability because of you and a female mom almost lost her contract with your interference and attempt to take from her. There is no excuse for this behavior, none at all, its a slap in the face to all inventors for you to be hear preaching what your self violate.
No one else will speak up and tell you what a @$!^% scumbag you are, but I will.
You are the lowest of the low, please do us all a favor and leave !
Ann Smith • I sorry but this really bothers me that Mark Reylland is still around after all he has done to this female inventor.
Paula Deen, looses all of her sponsor's and is criticized for saying she once used the " N " work. She was honest and sorry for it. My husband is an African American and our child is half of each race. She goes though all of this for saying something all of us said or thought at least once in our lives. She is pretty much ruined.
Now we have Mr. Reyland here, he tries to design around a inventor he knows and represents. The UIA board knows of this and they are dirty also. But Mr Reyland can still show his face like nothing ever happened. He wont address it and the UIA is doing nothing. So we are stuck with him, he is being forced on us and just loves himself so much that he cant even be quite for at least a while.
Paula is paying a huge price for much less, but here's a guy that has totally abused our trust, put us at risk and flat out lies to us about who he is and what he has done in the industry.
I have to ask the UIA why? Why do you keep this guy that has violated our trust and continue to allow him to represent your sponsor's and some are reputable companies.
Why aren't the UIA sponsors dropping the UIA like they drop Paula Deen.
This shows that our industry has no regulations or ethical standards to abide by.
Im sorry for going on about this, but its not right.
Paula Deen, looses all of her sponsor's and is criticized for saying she once used the " N " work. She was honest and sorry for it. My husband is an African American and our child is half of each race. She goes though all of this for saying something all of us said or thought at least once in our lives. She is pretty much ruined.
Now we have Mr. Reyland here, he tries to design around a inventor he knows and represents. The UIA board knows of this and they are dirty also. But Mr Reyland can still show his face like nothing ever happened. He wont address it and the UIA is doing nothing. So we are stuck with him, he is being forced on us and just loves himself so much that he cant even be quite for at least a while.
Paula is paying a huge price for much less, but here's a guy that has totally abused our trust, put us at risk and flat out lies to us about who he is and what he has done in the industry.
I have to ask the UIA why? Why do you keep this guy that has violated our trust and continue to allow him to represent your sponsor's and some are reputable companies.
Why aren't the UIA sponsors dropping the UIA like they drop Paula Deen.
This shows that our industry has no regulations or ethical standards to abide by.
Im sorry for going on about this, but its not right.
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