Joe's blog
Update, this story is gone world wide,
And why is a reputable company like QVC involved with Mark Reyland and meeting with him for upcoming project's ? QVC is putting inventors at risk with Mark Reyland and the UIA. QVC list the UIA on its sprouts web page as an inventor resource. And they are using Submit my Invention owned by board member Russell Williams, this is the company that sends email after the companies reject the submission endorsing Invention Home, Russell's company also. Submit my Invention lies to inventors acting as the companies the inventor submits to Well this story is out now, will QVC do what is right for inventors and withdraw its sponsorship ?
Well I may be able to shed a little light on some of these things, The SMI system owned by Invention Home Russ Williams, heres how it works, QVC uses the SMI system, as inventions come into the system, QVC decided at what stage they want to move the product to, once the product goes to the declined stage, then its automatically dumped into the Invention Home system, go try a few if you google submitmyinvention , you will get a list of companies who use the software if you submit something to each of them and they are not interested, then it goes to Russ, then you will get that form letter from Inventin Home making offers to help you with your product, basically an emailed sales pitch. the SMI system is offered FREE to companies, the trade off is Invention Home gets the rejects it can now try to sell services to. Some may ask how do I know this, well I was asked by Mark to learn the SMI system so that I would use it as a selling tool for selling memberships, we have a company who offers a free way for you to manage a way for your company to accept new ideas and inventions.
SO to recap - Russ Williams of Invention Home, also owns SMI (submit my invention) and is a UIA Board Member. I am instructed by Mark Reyland to use the SMI system as a selling point to new potential corporate sponsors, when these new sponsors use the system anything they reject, an email is sent to the inventor with Russ Williams Invention Home offering to HELP by selling the inventor SERVICES
SO to recap - Russ Williams of Invention Home, also owns SMI (submit my invention) and is a UIA Board Member. I am instructed by Mark Reyland to use the SMI system as a selling point to new potential corporate sponsors, when these new sponsors use the system anything they reject, an email is sent to the inventor with Russ Williams Invention Home offering to HELP by selling the inventor SERVICES
Will Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank withdraw his sponsorship, knowing all this now ?
{ update } We found out that Kevin Harrington didn't renew his UIA sponsorship. Its been about 3 months since he not been a sponsor, but the UIA keeps him listed with this photo. We can only assume because Kevin is a big name in the industry and it makes the UIA appear creditable is why they failed to remove him. Acting in an non-creditable manner to appear creditable. Our apologies to Kevin And a big thank you !
Will Rubbermaid withdraw ? They are a sponsor of this unethical organization and responsible for funding Mark Reylands abuse of UIA funds. Rubbermaid is using Submit My Invention software for their submissions. Submit My Invention is owned by Russ Williams of Invention Home and he is a UIA board member. Submit My Invention sends emails endorsing Invention Home for paid services with every Rubbermaid submission rejection. That's not the bad part, the bad part is Submit My Invention sends these endorsement emails acting as the companies originally submitted to. In this case, if you submitted to Rubbermaid, you would get an email from Russ Williams acting as Rubbermaid endorsing his company Invention Home. See this link for examples
Now that this is open and public will Rubbermaid still support the UIA and its lies and con game ? We will keep you updated and hopefully announce that Rubbermaid took a stand for all inventors by withdrawing their support !
How about the USPTO listed with this group ?
Mark T. Reyland
Executive Director at United Inventors Association of America
A recent employee of the UIA has gone public. The Email in Joes blog here
was sent out to all UIA members Mark Reyland was copying another inventors product that's currently selling on the market. Insider information reveals that Warren Tuttle who is a scout for Lifetime Brands and had gotten the licensing deal for the Trap Door Colander also submitted Marks copycat design to Lifetime Brands also. What good would have came for the inventor he helped get the licensing deal if Lifetime likes Marks better.
1. They could have shelved the Trap Door colander and marketed Marks version.
2. They could have combined the 2 and split the royalties that the Inventor was getting in full.
None of this would be good for the inventor he represented. In our opinion if you get a product licensed for a client, you don't bring in your buddies to compete if its the same. Also being the executive director and president of a Non Profit, why would these 2 submit a product to compete with the inventors they claim to help ?
Here is the Trap Door Colander invented by Lesia Farmer, Warren Tuttle's client he hepled get licensed to Lifetime Brands.
Now here is Mark Reyland the executive director of the UIA's improved version that Warren Tuttle submitted to his employer Lifetime Brands. Here is the email as it was sent.
From: Mark Reyland <>
Sent: { Dont want the date to trace back to the source }
Subject: What do you think?
Mark T. Reyland, Executive Director
The United Inventors Association of America
1025 Connecticut Ave Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
It looks like a pooper scooper, but Warren Tuttle submitted this { we were told by a reliable source }. This is the inventing and designing genius of Mark Reyland.
This blog is open to comment freely.
( UPDATE. We have started a fund to help Joe, he has undergone 2 spinal surgerys and now is unemployed. Please donate to help him and his family. He stepped up to warn us )
Answers to Questions Regarding Mark Reyland Redesigning Inventors Product
I am at the forefront of this issue of Mark Reyland redesigning an inventor's product. Why you ask? Because I am Lesia Farmer, the Lesia Farmer that Mark redesigned my "Trap Door Colander"
There are a million questions regarding Warren Tuttle, Mark Reyland, Lifetime Brands, and the UIA coming in, and I need to clear up the facts of the story. Please read this story in its entirety, as I need to clear up the name's of the innocent people/companies involved here.
Here are the clear facts for anyone who wants to take the time to read:
Several months ago, I was contacted by Mark Reyland who had a new design to my Trap Door Colander. He asked me what I thought of the product "I explained to Mark that I thought my patent application covered his design" and honestly I was not a big fan of the product, but that is the one I wanted him to stay with out of fear of what it could do to my colander which was just beginning to barely make traction in retail.
I then spoke to Warren Tuttle, who called to fill me in on the fact that Mark was working on a colander, and had asked for it to be submitted to Lifetime Brands. Warren at that time explained to me that it was his contractual responsibility to submit products to them, but that in fact he would proceed with caution on my behalf. Warren also said he had explained to Mark that he needed to in fact get in touch with me because of the ethical issue at hand I assume. Mark did in fact contact me via phone, and once again I explained that I felt my patent application covered his design. He proceeded to explain to me that I did not have an actual patent, and that all I had was a patent application, which in fact was true. He said that only way he would know whether he needed to include me was by seeing my patent claims, and really pushed I show them. We got into a bit of what I consider a mild disagreement, and we at the end agreed I would contact my patent attorney. At that point I was advised not to have any more discussions with Mark about my patent. So that is what I did, no more contact.
At that point Warren Tuttle did in fact what his obligation was to do, and that was to submit Mark's version of the colander to Lifetime Brands. Warren kept me in the loop, and did come back and tell me that he had shown it, but because of the complicated issues he advised Lifetime Brands it may not be a good idea to move forward. Lifetime Brands in fact turned the new colander design down. All I can say is "what a sigh of relief!!"
At that point I also had Joe Fournier contact me that was working on the CADS for Mark, because he was a friend of mine. He was also worried about the ethical issues of designing CADS around my product. He and I had many in depth discussions about my feelings on the issue, and he did well at keeping me calm. Mark Reyland was also a friend of his, and we tried to keep the two separate, and he never shared the CADS with me. He just assured me that my product was better, so no worries. He also had a job to do for the UIA, and I always tried to respect that. Then at a much later date Joe shared with me that Mark Reyland had submitted the new colander design to A.J. Khubani on his private jet. I have verified that story through a very reliable source, and that source was someone who was also on the plane.
With everything I am trying to say, my main focus is that people understand that I respect Warren Tuttle's responsibility to Lifetime Brands, and I have never held against him that he did his job. Warren Tuttle is a great friend of mine, and still today I trust him. I think the distrust needs to be shifted in another direction, and that is the direction of Mark Reyland. I told Mark if this ever got out, it would be a train wreck, well Mark by not covering yourself, and boasting about what you had done, the train wreck is in fact here. I sit back, and kept my mouth closed, and you decided to move forward and make people aware you were redisigning my colander, and that is your fault.
I also would like to add that legally Mark Reyland did NOTHING wrong....... For the inventor community it seems to be the ETHICS are what is in question here with Mark Reyland position as Executive Director of the United Inventors Association!!
He spoke of me as if I was not only a friend, but a professional inventor: and maybe this is why I have had a hard time with this.
I do not want this blog post to be about anger or hurt, so I will leave it at this. I have drawn my own conclusion............Now it's up to you the reader to draw yours as to who is guilty of anything. It is NOT Warren Tuttle, it is NOT Lifetime Brands, and NOT the UIA. The only part the UIA that plays in any of this is the position Mark Reyland holds as the Executive Director.
I put my faith in Warren that he will handle this internally, and my hopes is that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. We all agree the UIA has some outstanding inventor programs, and I know these people tirelessly give their personal time. I beg of each one of you reading, please put the blame where it is due, and not against an entire organization.
Any responses will be monitored before I post them because I will NOT have this turn into a more confusing situation, nor will I let this get out of hand with anything that is not a fact in this story!!
Posted by Lesia Farmer
I am at the forefront of this issue of Mark Reyland redesigning an inventor's product. Why you ask? Because I am Lesia Farmer, the Lesia Farmer that Mark redesigned my "Trap Door Colander"
There are a million questions regarding Warren Tuttle, Mark Reyland, Lifetime Brands, and the UIA coming in, and I need to clear up the facts of the story. Please read this story in its entirety, as I need to clear up the name's of the innocent people/companies involved here.
Here are the clear facts for anyone who wants to take the time to read:
Several months ago, I was contacted by Mark Reyland who had a new design to my Trap Door Colander. He asked me what I thought of the product "I explained to Mark that I thought my patent application covered his design" and honestly I was not a big fan of the product, but that is the one I wanted him to stay with out of fear of what it could do to my colander which was just beginning to barely make traction in retail.
I then spoke to Warren Tuttle, who called to fill me in on the fact that Mark was working on a colander, and had asked for it to be submitted to Lifetime Brands. Warren at that time explained to me that it was his contractual responsibility to submit products to them, but that in fact he would proceed with caution on my behalf. Warren also said he had explained to Mark that he needed to in fact get in touch with me because of the ethical issue at hand I assume. Mark did in fact contact me via phone, and once again I explained that I felt my patent application covered his design. He proceeded to explain to me that I did not have an actual patent, and that all I had was a patent application, which in fact was true. He said that only way he would know whether he needed to include me was by seeing my patent claims, and really pushed I show them. We got into a bit of what I consider a mild disagreement, and we at the end agreed I would contact my patent attorney. At that point I was advised not to have any more discussions with Mark about my patent. So that is what I did, no more contact.
At that point Warren Tuttle did in fact what his obligation was to do, and that was to submit Mark's version of the colander to Lifetime Brands. Warren kept me in the loop, and did come back and tell me that he had shown it, but because of the complicated issues he advised Lifetime Brands it may not be a good idea to move forward. Lifetime Brands in fact turned the new colander design down. All I can say is "what a sigh of relief!!"
At that point I also had Joe Fournier contact me that was working on the CADS for Mark, because he was a friend of mine. He was also worried about the ethical issues of designing CADS around my product. He and I had many in depth discussions about my feelings on the issue, and he did well at keeping me calm. Mark Reyland was also a friend of his, and we tried to keep the two separate, and he never shared the CADS with me. He just assured me that my product was better, so no worries. He also had a job to do for the UIA, and I always tried to respect that. Then at a much later date Joe shared with me that Mark Reyland had submitted the new colander design to A.J. Khubani on his private jet. I have verified that story through a very reliable source, and that source was someone who was also on the plane.
With everything I am trying to say, my main focus is that people understand that I respect Warren Tuttle's responsibility to Lifetime Brands, and I have never held against him that he did his job. Warren Tuttle is a great friend of mine, and still today I trust him. I think the distrust needs to be shifted in another direction, and that is the direction of Mark Reyland. I told Mark if this ever got out, it would be a train wreck, well Mark by not covering yourself, and boasting about what you had done, the train wreck is in fact here. I sit back, and kept my mouth closed, and you decided to move forward and make people aware you were redisigning my colander, and that is your fault.
I also would like to add that legally Mark Reyland did NOTHING wrong....... For the inventor community it seems to be the ETHICS are what is in question here with Mark Reyland position as Executive Director of the United Inventors Association!!
He spoke of me as if I was not only a friend, but a professional inventor: and maybe this is why I have had a hard time with this.
I do not want this blog post to be about anger or hurt, so I will leave it at this. I have drawn my own conclusion............Now it's up to you the reader to draw yours as to who is guilty of anything. It is NOT Warren Tuttle, it is NOT Lifetime Brands, and NOT the UIA. The only part the UIA that plays in any of this is the position Mark Reyland holds as the Executive Director.
I put my faith in Warren that he will handle this internally, and my hopes is that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. We all agree the UIA has some outstanding inventor programs, and I know these people tirelessly give their personal time. I beg of each one of you reading, please put the blame where it is due, and not against an entire organization.
Any responses will be monitored before I post them because I will NOT have this turn into a more confusing situation, nor will I let this get out of hand with anything that is not a fact in this story!!
Posted by Lesia Farmer
This story is posted on linked in inventor groups, 1 group has chosen to delete it and hide it in support of Mark Reyland and the UIA. the groups is,
{ We will add groups and owners names as they delete the discussion and leave you in the dark to be the next Mark Reyland UIA victim ! }
And a big thank you for hiding this story and not even accepting it for posting and deleting comments unless it promotes the UIA and Mark Reyland and the winner of hiding the truth game JOHN CREAMENS OF MY COOL INVENTIONS. HE HOLDS THE RECORD FOR THE MOST LIKES ON THE UIA FACEBOOK PAGE OF THE MARK REYLAND QUOTES AND SELF PROMOTION.
You can find Mark Reyland and Aaron Hartmann with John Creamens In this group.

John Cremeans
Inventures International, Inc. has a location in Saint Petersburg, FL. Active officers include Akos Jankura and Akos Jankura. Inventures International, Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation on Friday, August 01, 2008 in the state of Florida and is currently active. Akos Jankura serves as the registered agent for this organization.The company's line of business includes Nonclassifiable Establishments.

Akos Jankura
We are not saying they are doing anything wrong, but with no website, how do they get their clients for Inventures International a product submission company ?
Could it be that they use My Cool Inventions radio show and the UIA together to get clients ?
It would make sense why they stand up for and hide things about Mark Reyland and the UIA. Birds of a Feather ?
Here is a new LinkedIn group that wont hide the truth, see it while you can !
{ UPDATE, we would like to introduce you to a business owner in the invention industry, that is in full support of Mark Reyland and the UIA. }
Aaron Hartmann fully believes that Mark Reyland did nothing wrong copying Lesia Framers Colander, while representing the UIA as its executive director. Also he believes all Mark Reylands credentials are as he claims. Is Aaron Hartmann being fooled or he he part of hiding this con game ? A deal was made with Aaron Hartmann that if he could find anything posted here that was a lie, it would be removed and an apology would be put in its place. Aaron Hartmann has yet to find anything and reply back to us, but he was looking several times, we have proof of this. We see people all over the world reading this blog as far away as Egypt and Vietnam. We believe that everyone should be heard, so here is Aaron Hartmann's blog in support of a con man and an unethical non profit organization. And if you agree with him, send him your business.
So here it is Aaron Hartmann of Aarow industries Inc,...My UIA... blog post. As you may see the UIA logo in his blog, from what we understand he is not a paid sponsor that entitles him to display it. Maybe this his reason for the support ! Repaying a favor ?
I HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR AMERICA'S TOP PRODUCT INVENTION, but I don'thave the capital to devlope it to a product
I looked at My Cool Inventions website and clicked submit. This is what I found about the company offering the $50.000 prize package. You own this company and according to the description its a submission service provider company. So you own a invention submission company.
My Cool Inventions Terms and Conditions for Submitting Your Product or Invention
"Inventures International, Inc. LLC (“Company,” “us,” “we,” or “our”) owns and operates this website designed for use by inventors and people with special skills and services connected with new ideas for product and service inventions. The Company offers access to a variety of services through the Company’s Website (as defined below) and related online features and applications (any such services, features, applications and information provided on or through the Company’s Website shall be collectively referred to herein as “Services”). The Company regularly views, receives, and analyzes submissions of ideas, proposals, and designs for products and services."
So here is to show where I come up with the idea that the company is owned by you.
"Inventures International, Inc. has a location in Saint Petersburg, FL. Active officers include Akos Jankura and Akos Jankura. Inventures International, Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation on Friday, August 01, 2008 in the state of Florida and is currently active. Akos Jankura serves as the registered agent for this organization.The company's line of business includes Nonclassifiable Establishments.'
Not a problem to own a submission company and run a show looking for inventions, but I have to ask, do you ever refer the inventors that submit to my cool inventions to your submission company.
If so I would say its a conflict of interest at least, if not unethical. Also I can find no website for Inventures International, so how do you find your clients if not for the show.
And if you are a fee based submission company { a company where a inventor submits an invention and pays for services, marketing ,Licensing, development etc. } you by law have to disclose your success rate under the AIPA. Are you disclosing this information, and if so, please post a link to your companies website so we can see the services you offer and the fees for these services. Also I would like to know how many product's you have brought to market vs the inventors that spent money with your company for services. Since I'm going to submit in to a possible contract you should provide me and all of this information.
I asked this question yesterday and it was posted, then mysteriously Linked in closed my account shortly after. Funny, but I'm back to ask again.
Thank you.
In fact I do this to give back. The investment at this point in the show is in several hundreds of thousand dollars.
The intention is to give the inventor a safe forum. We will not, not have we taken a product position in any product from the radio show.
I understand your skeptical. If so do not product submit. Please however do not judge, or cast judgement. It isn't fair to our reputation or the show.
Thank you for taking time to post.
I'm not talking about My Cool Inventions the show charging fees, I talking about your company " Inventures International, Inc ".
I'm asking how you get your submissions if you have no website other than on My Cool Inventions?
1. I'm asking if any inventor ever has been directed or suggested to use your company for services via My Cool Inventions. And if this was asked publicly, would any inventors come forward to say they in-fact were directed to the company you own?
{ This is the reason for he conflict of interest possibility. }
2. I'm asking if you charge a fee to inventors for your companies services?
3. I'm asking if you comply with the AIPA law of success rate disclosure before offering a contract?
4. I'm asking for a link to your website, if there is none, how do you get your submissions?
5. What kinds of services does your company offer inventors?
And to clarify, this is your company offering the $50.000 marketing package promoted by the radio show correct ?
I'm not casting judgment, just asking questions that only you can answer and its NOT about My Cool Inventions, its about your submission company Inventures International, Inc.
This all public record so I am not judging or casting judgment just asking questions that may have relevance to your submission company.And would like to see your success rate as required by the AIPA law as you are offering a contract to one of us.
So don't get defensive these are all legitimate questions. I asked yesterday and had my account deleted by LinkedIn shortly after, So I started a new and am asking now before it happens again mysteriously. I'm making no accusations, just posting the possibilities and giving you a chance to clarify it all.
This is about you owning Inventures International, Inc and not about My Cool Inventions, only the possibility of gaining submissions via them. So please keep your response on your company and not misdirect it to My Cool inventions.
If you are exempt from this law and don't want to disclose it, please explain.
P.S. I like the show
I know its a show and am not asking about the show other than is Akos or anyone else there sending or directing inventors to his submission company. Everything else is about his submission company, how it works, what they charge, where it can be found on the web, whats the success rate, and some other questions about his company.
Let him speak for himself its not about you and you were never asked.
{ Updated comment below }
Its been 2 days now since Ive asked you these questions, are you going to answer or should we all draw our own conclusion ? The best way to stay out of trouble if you don't want to deny it is to ignore it. Its funny you answered with in a coupe of hours of my first question talking about My Cool Inventions. So when I pin point the questions to your company, we get nothing, Why ?