My Cool Inventions radio show run and hosted by John Cremeans 'The Doctor of Shopology' and Akos Jankura are offering a $50.000 marketing prize package to some lucky inventor.
The name of the company offering this prize is " Inventures International, Inc. LLC ". Thats OK but where is this company's website and who owns it. The answer is My Cool Inventions is the only website they solicit inventors from.Who owns it ?
Inventures International, Inc. has a location in Saint Petersburg, FL. Active officers include Akos Jankura and Akos Jankura. Inventures International, Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation on Friday, August 01, 2008 in the state of Florida and is currently active. Akos Jankura serves as the registered agent for this organization.The company's line of business includes Nonclassifiable Establishments.
So Akos Jankura owns an invention submission company offering the following services. { Taken from My Cool Inventions website. }
Inventures International, Inc. LLC (“Company,” “us,” “we,” or “our”) owns and operates this website designed for use by inventors and people with special skills and services connected with new ideas for product and service inventions. The Company offers access to a variety of services through the Company’s Website (as defined below) and related online features and applications (any such services, features, applications and information provided on or through the Company’s Website shall be collectively referred to herein as “Services”).
An inventor asked some hard questions of Akos in a LinkedIn inventors group that remains unanswered.

Independent Inventors - Help Has Arrived!

"The Search For America's Top Product Invention. " -$50,000 Prize Package Submission process now open, submit before the deadline. Please spread the word.
“The Search for America’s Top Product Invention”©
Attention Product Inventors, Innovators, and Product Owners. My Cool Inventions Radio Network announces the launch of Genesis – “The Search for America’s Top Product Invention”
Do you want the ultimate launch for your invention? Listen to this. You could win a $50,000 Marketing Grand Prize. (Please refer to details on our web site MyCoolInventions.com) You read this right! You could win it all.
This exciting invention showdown will take place on the nationally syndicated radio show, My Cool Inventions. With a massive national broadcast audience, inventors win or lose, will enjoy huge exposure, advertising value, and potentially win the Grand Prize. This huge event might bring you face to face with licensing deals, infomercial production, and retail rollout, live shopping appearances, even expose to the deal makers.
You will go head to head with other inventors. The audience will vote and decide on “America’s Top Product Invention”. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the next $100 million idea? Can you win ‘America’s Top Product Invention? Don’t just sit there, submit your product invention FREE! Go to www.MyCoolInventions.com
Invention submission deadline is quickly approaching. You can only submit up to June 15th. 2013. Start now, you can edit, refine, make sure your submission is the best. You will need to be the best to capture the vote. When Round One Web Voting starts, get everyone you can to vote for you. My Cool Inventions Radio Network will live broadcast and encourage millions to vote also. Round One Web Voting starts June 22nd to July 20th 2013. Winners will qualify for the Live National Broadcasts, and the chance to get national free exposure, free advertising, and a chance to win a $50,000 marketing package. What are you waiting for? Submit now. Go to www.MyCoolInventions.com
Attention Product Inventors, Innovators, and Product Owners. My Cool Inventions Radio Network announces the launch of Genesis – “The Search for America’s Top Product Invention”
Do you want the ultimate launch for your invention? Listen to this. You could win a $50,000 Marketing Grand Prize. (Please refer to details on our web site MyCoolInventions.com) You read this right! You could win it all.
This exciting invention showdown will take place on the nationally syndicated radio show, My Cool Inventions. With a massive national broadcast audience, inventors win or lose, will enjoy huge exposure, advertising value, and potentially win the Grand Prize. This huge event might bring you face to face with licensing deals, infomercial production, and retail rollout, live shopping appearances, even expose to the deal makers.
You will go head to head with other inventors. The audience will vote and decide on “America’s Top Product Invention”. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the next $100 million idea? Can you win ‘America’s Top Product Invention? Don’t just sit there, submit your product invention FREE! Go to www.MyCoolInventions.com
Invention submission deadline is quickly approaching. You can only submit up to June 15th. 2013. Start now, you can edit, refine, make sure your submission is the best. You will need to be the best to capture the vote. When Round One Web Voting starts, get everyone you can to vote for you. My Cool Inventions Radio Network will live broadcast and encourage millions to vote also. Round One Web Voting starts June 22nd to July 20th 2013. Winners will qualify for the Live National Broadcasts, and the chance to get national free exposure, free advertising, and a chance to win a $50,000 marketing package. What are you waiting for? Submit now. Go to www.MyCoolInventions.com

My Cool Inventions Radiomycoolinventionsradio.com
Lifting American Families! One Innovation...One Invention...One American At A Time!
I HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR AMERICA'S TOP PRODUCT INVENTION, but I don'thave the capital to devlope it to a product
I looked at My Cool Inventions website and clicked submit. This is what I found about the company offering the $50.000 prize package. You own this company and according to the description its a submission service provider company. So you own a invention submission company.
My Cool Inventions Terms and Conditions for Submitting Your Product or Invention
"Inventures International, Inc. LLC (“Company,” “us,” “we,” or “our”) owns and operates this website designed for use by inventors and people with special skills and services connected with new ideas for product and service inventions. The Company offers access to a variety of services through the Company’s Website (as defined below) and related online features and applications (any such services, features, applications and information provided on or through the Company’s Website shall be collectively referred to herein as “Services”). The Company regularly views, receives, and analyzes submissions of ideas, proposals, and designs for products and services."
So here is to show where I come up with the idea that the company is owned by you.
"Inventures International, Inc. has a location in Saint Petersburg, FL. Active officers include Akos Jankura and Akos Jankura. Inventures International, Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation on Friday, August 01, 2008 in the state of Florida and is currently active. Akos Jankura serves as the registered agent for this organization.The company's line of business includes Nonclassifiable Establishments.'
Not a problem to own a submission company and run a show looking for inventions, but I have to ask, do you ever refer the inventors that submit to my cool inventions to your submission company.
If so I would say its a conflict of interest at least, if not unethical. Also I can find no website for Inventures International, so how do you find your clients if not for the show.
And if you are a fee based submission company { a company where a inventor submits an invention and pays for services, marketing ,Licensing, development etc. } you by law have to disclose your success rate under the AIPA. Are you disclosing this information, and if so, please post a link to your companies website so we can see the services you offer and the fees for these services. Also I would like to know how many product's you have brought to market vs the inventors that spent money with your company for services. Since I'm going to submit in to a possible contract you should provide me and all of this information.
I asked this question yesterday and it was posted, then mysteriously Linked in closed my account shortly after. Funny, but I'm back to ask again.
Thank you.
In fact I do this to give back. The investment at this point in the show is in several hundreds of thousand dollars.
The intention is to give the inventor a safe forum. We will not, not have we taken a product position in any product from the radio show.
I understand your skeptical. If so do not product submit. Please however do not judge, or cast judgement. It isn't fair to our reputation or the show.
Thank you for taking time to post.
I'm not talking about My Cool Inventions the show charging fees, I talking about your company " Inventures International, Inc ".
I'm asking how you get your submissions if you have no website other than on My Cool Inventions?
1. I'm asking if any inventor ever has been directed or suggested to use your company for services via My Cool Inventions. And if this was asked publicly, would any inventors come forward to say they in-fact were directed to the company you own?
{ This is the reason for he conflict of interest possibility. }
2. I'm asking if you charge a fee to inventors for your companies services?
3. I'm asking if you comply with the AIPA law of success rate disclosure before offering a contract?
4. I'm asking for a link to your website, if there is none, how do you get your submissions?
5. What kinds of services does your company offer inventors?
And to clarify, this is your company offering the $50.000 marketing package promoted by the radio show correct ?
I'm not casting judgment, just asking questions that only you can answer and its NOT about My Cool Inventions, its about your submission company Inventures International, Inc.
This all public record so I am not judging or casting judgment just asking questions that may have relevance to your submission company.And would like to see your success rate as required by the AIPA law as you are offering a contract to one of us.
So don't get defensive these are all legitimate questions. I asked yesterday and had my account deleted by LinkedIn shortly after, So I started a new and am asking now before it happens again mysteriously. I'm making no accusations, just posting the possibilities and giving you a chance to clarify it all.
This is about you owning Inventures International, Inc and not about My Cool Inventions, only the possibility of gaining submissions via them. So please keep your response on your company and not misdirect it to My Cool inventions.
If you are exempt from this law and don't want to disclose it, please explain.
P.S. I like the show
I know its a show and am not asking about the show other than is Akos or anyone else there sending or directing inventors to his submission company. Everything else is about his submission company, how it works, what they charge, where it can be found on the web, whats the success rate, and some other questions about his company.
Let him speak for himself its not about you and you were never asked.
{ Updated comment below }
Its been 2 days now since Ive asked you these questions, are you going to answer or should we all draw our own conclusion ? The best way to stay out of trouble if you don't want to deny it is to ignore it. Its funny you answered with in a coupe of hours of my first question talking about My Cool Inventions. So when I pin point the questions to your company, we get nothing, Why ?