Source Direct wants the inventors to think they are a large company with a huge building in locations all over the world...truth is its 1 man in a little suite running 3 small companies from his desk. If you call you get a message to enter the parties extension you wish to speak to but lists no names for you to choose, it says if you don't know your parties extension to enter ext 200 and the call goes direct to the one desk in the office manned by Ed Muaro owner of CLUB CLEAN, DBA { Doing Business As } SOURCE DIRECT. Yes folks this huge company is a DBA.
The owner was asked questions from an inventor about the validity of Source Direct and was told to call on the phone. But this inventor pressed via email and now we have the proof with photos, emails, an unsatisfied former clients phone call.
So get ready for proof of the newest UIA scam against inventors, by Ed Mauro, Warren Tuttle Mark Reyland and the wonderful United Inventors Association.
Lets start from the beginning at the UIA blog spot where Warren and Mark allowed this company in the UIA and endorsed the company publicly to drive inventors to Source Direct
Now notice the name under the Chinese writing. It say's Perun rubber and plastics co
Now look at the UIA blog spot the building is now gone because the scam was discovered and emailed to Warren, But the company that pulled the scam remains as a certifed UIA member !
Now look at the image search. You will see the real company that owns this building "Perun Components ", also here you will see the stolden images Source Direct uses and the image the UIA used with a different name than Source Direct uses photo-shopped in. And you will see the cleaned up post by the UIA after I made Warren and Mark aware that I found their con game. So do they get rid of Source Direct ? NO they hide the image !
And here is Source Directs other photoshopped image on its website !
So now here you see the full stories of both the stolden image and the cleaned up story after I emailed Warren and Mark and told them I discovered their attempt to scam inventors. Look at the 6th and 7 th story.
Here is the email sent to then telling of the discovery
To: "" <wwtuttlexxxxcom>; "" <> ; Mark Reyland <>; "" <>;
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:08 PM
Subject: You have got to be kidding me !
To: "" <wwtuttlexxxxcom>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:08 PM
Subject: You have got to be kidding me !
I was just sent this from an inventor on linked in. Great job being the watchdog for bad companies, who the hell photoshoped the photo and why. Why is this business owner claiming 100% success. Why is it a DBA and new. Why are the people that say he does a great job all his business partners.
My bet Is that Mark knows this guy from the PGA show and talked him into starting a company and made the website for him and was the one that photoshoped that company photo
Way to go UIA you let the best of the best in for inventors. The guy owns a golf company and security company, so he an expert in getting products to market ?
Joe are you the fool that critiqued this company, I would expect nothing less considering you " don't know who to trust " forums/other/topics/who-to- trust
Wait until Bill gets a hold of this story, he going to blast it and I'm sure he will get a hold of the inventor who posted to get the emails. I cant believe all of you are such fools, so it will be shown for what it is.
This is the funniest thing Ive read in weeks, thanks guys for keeping me entertained.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 7:47 PM
Has anyone heard of SOURCE DIRECT, I saw them listed and emailed and what I found was disturbing and a clear warning to stay away.
I saw this company listed here http://inventoropinion. so I emailed them. While researching them I saw the photo of the building they claim to have as a resource on the bottom of this story.
Then went to their website and saw the same photo of the building , same shot from the same camera but noticed the writing on the sign in front different from the one above posted in that article.
http://www.thesourcedirect. net/about.html Look at the photo of the building on the bottom right.
So I thought this is not right, so I put the photo in google image search and found the source of the real photo. here it is http://www.perun-components. com/contact/.
Someone photo shopped the name in and changed the real name and removed the name from the building on the top right side of it.
So I searched the company name in the Florida business network and found no listing, but the company owner is listed as owning a security company and a company called Club Clean and at the same address listed as the Source Direct website.
So I emailed him after calling several times and getting his answering machine and asked how long has Source Direct been in business. He said since 1993 and all of their clients that started and finished with his company made more money that they spent { all of them } He wouldn't say how many but told me to go to his website and see.
So I looked at his 3 testimonials and googled their names, they are all his business partners or are tied to him in one of his companies. Now I'm really getting suspicious. So I started asking questions via email.
I asked how long his website has been active, he said he doesn't know he doesn't handle that .
I asked for 3 references I can call, he avoided answering that question but answered the ones he wanted to.
Source Direct has recently applied for a trademark on the name, they are A DBA { doing business as } of Club Clean a golf accessory supplier.
The owner of Club Clean DBA Source Direct, is involved with the PGA and now was just inducted in to that organization in the blog posted first. I asked who approved the application to be listed as a creditable resource, His reply was " the Board "
Now does this sound like a company that should be sponsored and advertised to inventors as a good resource ?
I'm kind of outraged that this organization would put me at risk like this by sponsoring a new company that photoshopped buildings and lists them as their resource and Has a 100% claim of success from start to finish and list testimonial's from their business partners as clients and has a voice mail when you call and runs 3 different businesses from a little suite listing the same address and wont provide references.There is so much more to tell but you get the idea.
I asked him about the photoshopped building's and got no reply, I called and only got his voicemail. All communication stopped after that, he never replied back.
Am I wrong for researching and feeling this way, I have all the emails that show it and more !
Should this company be certified and sponsored and advertised as a creditable resource ?
UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed owner of Source Direct is here and commenting below. Read his comments and our questions.
Then went to their website and saw the same photo of the building , same shot from the same camera but noticed the writing on the sign in front different from the one above posted in that article.
So I thought this is not right, so I put the photo in google image search and found the source of the real photo. here it is http://www.perun-components.
Someone photo shopped the name in and changed the real name and removed the name from the building on the top right side of it.
So I searched the company name in the Florida business network and found no listing, but the company owner is listed as owning a security company and a company called Club Clean and at the same address listed as the Source Direct website.
So I emailed him after calling several times and getting his answering machine and asked how long has Source Direct been in business. He said since 1993 and all of their clients that started and finished with his company made more money that they spent { all of them } He wouldn't say how many but told me to go to his website and see.
So I looked at his 3 testimonials and googled their names, they are all his business partners or are tied to him in one of his companies. Now I'm really getting suspicious. So I started asking questions via email.
I asked how long his website has been active, he said he doesn't know he doesn't handle that .
I asked for 3 references I can call, he avoided answering that question but answered the ones he wanted to.
Source Direct has recently applied for a trademark on the name, they are A DBA { doing business as } of Club Clean a golf accessory supplier.
The owner of Club Clean DBA Source Direct, is involved with the PGA and now was just inducted in to that organization in the blog posted first. I asked who approved the application to be listed as a creditable resource, His reply was " the Board "
Now does this sound like a company that should be sponsored and advertised to inventors as a good resource ?
I'm kind of outraged that this organization would put me at risk like this by sponsoring a new company that photoshopped buildings and lists them as their resource and Has a 100% claim of success from start to finish and list testimonial's from their business partners as clients and has a voice mail when you call and runs 3 different businesses from a little suite listing the same address and wont provide references.There is so much more to tell but you get the idea.
I asked him about the photoshopped building's and got no reply, I called and only got his voicemail. All communication stopped after that, he never replied back.
Am I wrong for researching and feeling this way, I have all the emails that show it and more !
Should this company be certified and sponsored and advertised as a creditable resource ?
UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed owner of Source Direct is here and commenting below. Read his comments and our questions.
In reference to the blog posted by Mr. Bill Nelson. Mr. Nelson obviously has an axe to grind with the UIA and is picking on Source Direct. I have never spoken to Bill Nelson so I don’t know how he comes up with the false accusations in his blog, which are all untrue. I have been manufacturing and marketing products since 1987, and deal with major corporations and small businesses alike. You don’t stay in business that long if you are a scam as Mr. Nelson claims. We have helped numerous inventors work their way through the process.
ReplyDeleteWell Mr. Nelson, who ever you are, I welcome a conversation with you so I can set you straight. I am available in open forum to debate all your false comments. Call me any time. But I doubt you will based on your obvious cowardness.
I am sorry you have been scammed, but it wasn't by us.
I would suggest you get your facts straight before making false claims, keep it up and I will force you to put your money where your mouth is, and I hope you have deep pockets.
Ed Mauro,
ReplyDeleteNo you never had conversation with me personally, but you were emailed by Robert Perkins and we have copies of your correspondence. Everything on this blog about Source Direct is in fact accurate. The photo of your company in China is in fact photoshopped. You are a DBA of Club Clean and source Direct is new. Your website photos are of none of the facilities you own. Your testimonials are from partners and associates. If you would like to debate this, we can post the email proof of your own words. And you are no large company with locations all over the world.
Yes I remember Robert Perkins is that you Mr. Nelson??. I requested a phone converstion with Mr. Perkins but he or you declined.
DeleteThe photo of the building in China is one of our key suppliers . We produce over a million dollars a year at that location alone. Fact.The name was air brushed off to protect the source. Next time your in China go visit and you will see its real..
I can send you as many testimonials as you would like as soon as you pick up the phone and call me
We have our own people in all the locations mentioned on our site.Where are you located? What are your credentials, are you an inventor?
Whats your phone number so we can talk and I can set you straight.
source Direct is a DBA of Club Clean.
Phone conversations have no record, we only deal with written proof. The name of that "supplier" was not air brushed off on the UIA BlogSpot, it was a name added to a photo of a building of a different name. The same building on your Source Direct website has no name,
DeleteNow I would like a list of phone numbers and addresses of your Source Direct offices world wide as listed on the UIA BlogSpot, which Im sure you have reviewed and approved of " SOURCE DIRECT™, an American company with offices in Tampa, Chicago, Hong Kong and ZhongShan, has been helping companies and individuals manufacture goods for over 20 years.
And also Source Direct has not been in business for 20 years. Maybe you have been selling mats for 20 years, but Source Direct hasn't been in business for 20.
Also your Source Direct factory tours are NOT source direct owned businesses, they are your suppliers companies.
Your companies in the U.S. are different businesses such as a security company, golf supplies etc., but you want everyone to believe they are Source Direct offices conducting only Source Direct services.
Truth is, none of these locations are Source Direct offices, the only one is a small suite in Florida that you are at.
Simple fact is, you own no manufacturing companies, in China of the U.S., what you do is find the manufacturers.
Your Youtube Source Direct factory tour as posted on your website are owned by other companies that you contract manufacturing.
The problem we have is, you are trying to look like a world wide manufacturer, when you are not, you are adding companies that you own in different fields to make Source Direct look huge.
Thae a look at the UIA BlogSpot ( that you approved of ) of the name of that building, then go to your website and see the same building with no name. Then look on this blog and see the real name of the building that was photoshopped 2 times by Source Direct. Now ask yourself, should we trust you after all this smoke and mirrors ?
Compare the 2 photos !
And we did track down one of your clients, and he said over the phone, " next time he will fly to China himself before ever using Source Direct again "
I need not call you, anything you say can be done here as proof its real and from you.
Here is the real building your photo was taken from, also notice the name on the top right corner of the building was photoshopped out.
And you said in an email, you don't know whos building that is. You said that's the photo they sent you. We have proof you said this.
Not off to a very good start, I hope you are sure you want to continue this here with me !
Lies one after the other here by you !
Ed, look at the blog post above and tell us all which is the real building name ?
ReplyDeleteLets start with that. And don't forget the addresses and phone numbers of the Source Direct offices in China and the U.S. Im going to google search them and call them, and it should say Source Direct on all the buildings and all phones should be answered " Hello Source Direct ". Im here to bet you they are not and wont.
Also Ed, isn't it true you claim a 100% success rate of clients making more money than they spend on Source Direct services. Please say you never said that, I want to show the proof you indeed did say that. This means if an inventor comes to you for CADS, design manufacturing, or any of the services you offer that they are 100% to make more than they spend.
ReplyDeleteWhat an idiot this bill nelson is! WE ONLY DEAL IN WRITTEN PROOF! Man up and give the man a call if your so sure about everything you are accusing this company of being a scam. Otherwise just drop it Mr. Nobody. Thank you for your concern and trying to help us out but this is a one man point view.
ReplyDeleteFunny, Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteYou want me to call him so no one sees what he is saying, who's the idiot ?
I see Ed Mauro hasn't replied to my questions when they are directly asked. RED FLAG people !