{ Update } Way to go Roger Brown, you just made it to another blog http://inventorswelcome.blogspot.com/2013/06/7-insider-blows-whistle-on-united.html?showComment=1370788371264#c8358028267921328264
Roger Brown, the lovable teddy bear and head of E.N.'s Licensing department. Was Recently busted red handed soliciting innocent inventors to have them file complaints against John Young, Nancy Tedeschi, Troy Robision, Derek Pater, with lies and underhanded tactics, all in an attempt to protect Mark Reyland from discussions that expose Mark Reylands lies and false credentials.
Roger Brown was not involved in the discussion or his name even mentioned, so he had no business getting involved other than to try to protect Mark Reyland from the truth and facts that were being posted. Mark Reyland tried to influence the group owner to delete the discussions about him and even made some threats to him. But the group owner started to see that all our accusations had merit and were backed with facts and all Mark Reyland could do is start his name calling and stalker crap and tell everyone to call the police if we contact them. We are happy to say this group owner did not back down from Mark Reylands lies and threats, finally people are seeing we are the ones telling the truth here and Mark Reyland can not intelligently defend any of the accusations because its always backed with solid proof.
So now back to the reason for this post. Mark Reyland is not at all liked on the E.N. discussion forums. In the past Mark Reyland has been caught posting falsely to add credibility to himself and discrediting others as " Johnny Gee " and "Sexy Beast", Tonawanda, http://whosthecoward.blogspot.com/2011/09/whos-coward-bashing-mark-reyland.html Notice the message about E.N. is the same in this blog as it is in the email below from Mark Reyland. And here is Mark Reyland posting falsely as " Johnny Gee " a sex toy inventor : http://www.edisonnation.com/forums/other/topics/why-not-have-an-expert.
{ Original Message }
{See 2ND comment}
Well it may come as a surprise to E.N'ers that their beloved Roger Brown has lied publicly and privately to innocent inventors to protect Mark Reyland behind the scenes. Roger Brown lied publicly last year on a linkedIn discussion that his trip to the Houseware show last year on behalf of Mark Reyland and the UIA, that his expences's were not paid for by the UIA to attend. Mark Reyland later came on the discussion saying that yes the UIA in fact did pay his expense's. No big deal right, so why lie to all the inventors reading it. Because he tries to keep his support of Mark Reyland at a distance publicly, but privately he fights for Mark Reyland harder than Mark Reyland fights for himself.
This would seem strange that Roger Brown supports Mark Reyland who for years now has publicaly bashed the company Roger Brown now works and its owner. Roger Brown and Mark Reyland were buddies before E.N. hired Roger Brown as its head of licensing.
Now that Roger Brown was hired at E.N. you would think he would distance himself from Mark Reyland out of respect for E.N. and its owner for hiring him. He was told by E.N. to stop the online battles helping Mark Reyland and refrain from any unprofessional behavior while employed there. The owner runs a very respectable company and helps many inventors for a very low fee of $25 and in no way is Mark Reyland a reflection of E.N. or its owner. The owner was on the board of directors at the UIA until last year when he decided to leave because of the way it was being run. He didn't agree with Mark Reyland who was and still is the UIA's executive director but tolerated him in a professional manner. E.N.s owner is one of the true professionals in our industry and has no complaints about ripping off inventors. We assume Mark Reylands publicly negative comments about E.N. and its owner are because of jealousy and envy of its success that Mark Reyland has never achieved. The truth is Mark Reyland has NO industry success and was only hired by the UIA because they failed to verify his credentials. I know this for a fact because I had a phone discussion with Warren Tuttle the UIA president were he told me they didn't check but hired him for his passion for inventing, { he ran a B.S. job on them }. Here is what Mark Reyland says about the place Roger Brown works http://inventoropinion.blogspot.com/2012/08/just-be-carful-when-you-hit-enter.html
So the last recent online battle about Mark Reyland that you can read here on this blog. http://uialiesreyland.blogspot.com/2013/03/mark-reyland-post-made-up-profanity.html
This is where Roger Brown jumped in to action to once again help his dear friend Mark Reyland. As stated earlier, Roger had no reason to get involved, his name wasn't mentioned negatively and he was not a part of it publicly. His only reason to lie to this one innocent female inventor { that he didn't know was a friend of mine until it was too late } was to get this blog deleted and all material about Mark Reyland deleted. Mark Reyland was getting pounded by facts and proof and inventors were finally seeing Mark Reyland for who and what he really is.
Roger Brown started sending private messages to inventors with a series of messages from both of them working together to get the discussion deleted and John Young off Linked In and to have this blog taken down . This is Roger behind the senses when he think no one knows what hes doing
RE: Blogpost

Roger Brown Licensing at Edison Nation
To: xxxx xxxx
Date: March 2, 2013
On 03/02/13 5:19 AM, Roger Brown wrote:
Hi ,
Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that you and I along with several others are being used in a hate filled blog. The thread you were in about Quirky on Linkedin has been copied and posted on this blog http://www.linkedin.com/ redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww% 2Euialiesreyland%2Eblogspot% 2Ecom&urlhash=OZu-&_t=mbox_ mebc
It is also being pushed to get others to view it by Peter Dunn, a friend of John Youngs here http://www.linkedin.com/ redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww% 2Elinkedin%2Ecom%2Fgroups% 2FTruth-Hurts-136317%2ES% 2E218923904%3Fqid%3Da18cebca- eca5-4134-9222-5b3275d362d4% 26trk%3Dgroup_most_recent_ rich-0-b-ttl%26goback%3D% 252Egmr_136317&urlhash=w8Zv&_ t=mbox_mebc
I am contacting Linkedin letting them know about this to see if anything can be done to remove it from Linkedin and that blog. You may want to do the same. You can email them here linkedin_support@cs.linkedin. com
{ Then another he was sending so many he forgot he sent her one already. He was spamming inventors, proof is its the exact same message sent the 2ND time. }
On Mar 2, 2013, at 8:19 AM, "Roger Brown (LinkedIn Messages)" <messages-noreply@linkedin.com > wrote:
Roger Brown has sent you a message.
Date: 3/02/2013
Subject: Blogpost
Hi ,
Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that you and I along with several others are being used in a hate filled blog. The thread you were in about Quirky on Linkedin has been copied and posted on this blog http://www.linkedin.com/ redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww% 2Euialiesreyland%2Eblogspot% 2Ecom&urlhash=OZu-&_t=mbox_ mebc
It is also being pushed to get others to view it by Peter Dunn, a friend of John Youngs here http://www.linkedin.com/ redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww% 2Elinkedin%2Ecom%2Fgroups% 2FTruth-Hurts-136317%2ES% 2E218923904%3Fqid%3Da18cebca- eca5-4134-9222-5b3275d362d4% 26trk%3Dgroup_most_recent_ rich-0-b-ttl%26goback%3D% 252Egmr_136317&urlhash=w8Zv&_ t=mbox_mebc
I am contacting Linkedin letting them know about this to see if anything can be done to remove it from Linkedin and that blog. You may want to do the same. You can email them here linkedin_support@cs.linkedin. com
{ The inventor replied back }
On 03/02/13 6:41 AM,xxxx xxxx wrote:
Good morning. I'm doing great, although xxxx is a bit chilly. Thanks for sending the link. I hadn't seen that.
Who is John Young anyway? And Peter Dunn? I see there seems to be some sort of disagreement with Mark Reyland. I haven't been on LinkedIn that long, so I must have missed what started it all. I was pretty shocked at the e-mail that was sent about Mark. I'm not a prude, but I did find the information and language posted quite shocking. Isn't it possible to check to see who it came from? I will be contacting support to see what can be done.
Let me know if you get this since it says " no reply".
Do you have a direct email I can send to?
I clicked on the link after I sent and hopefully you'll get this. I copied a pasted here.
Roger Brown has sent you a message.
Hi xxxx,
You can email me directly at rbrown@rogerbrown.net John Young, Derek Pater, Troy Robison and Peter Dunn are all known for causing trouble and doing personal attacks on anyone that disagrees with them. I would not interact with them unless you want them doing the same type of attacks you saw in that thread.
{ Switched to emails }
On 03/02/13 5:19 AM, Roger Brown wrote:
Hi ,
Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that you and I along with several others are being used in a hate filled blog. The thread you were in about Quirky on Linkedin has been copied and posted on this blog http://www.linkedin.com/
It is also being pushed to get others to view it by Peter Dunn, a friend of John Youngs here http://www.linkedin.com/
I am contacting Linkedin letting them know about this to see if anything can be done to remove it from Linkedin and that blog. You may want to do the same. You can email them here linkedin_support@cs.linkedin.
{ Then another he was sending so many he forgot he sent her one already. He was spamming inventors, proof is its the exact same message sent the 2ND time. }
On Mar 2, 2013, at 8:19 AM, "Roger Brown (LinkedIn Messages)" <messages-noreply@linkedin.com
Roger Brown has sent you a message.
Date: 3/02/2013
Subject: Blogpost
Hi ,
Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that you and I along with several others are being used in a hate filled blog. The thread you were in about Quirky on Linkedin has been copied and posted on this blog http://www.linkedin.com/
It is also being pushed to get others to view it by Peter Dunn, a friend of John Youngs here http://www.linkedin.com/
I am contacting Linkedin letting them know about this to see if anything can be done to remove it from Linkedin and that blog. You may want to do the same. You can email them here linkedin_support@cs.linkedin.
{ The inventor replied back }
On 03/02/13 6:41 AM,xxxx xxxx wrote:
Good morning. I'm doing great, although xxxx is a bit chilly. Thanks for sending the link. I hadn't seen that.
Who is John Young anyway? And Peter Dunn? I see there seems to be some sort of disagreement with Mark Reyland. I haven't been on LinkedIn that long, so I must have missed what started it all. I was pretty shocked at the e-mail that was sent about Mark. I'm not a prude, but I did find the information and language posted quite shocking. Isn't it possible to check to see who it came from? I will be contacting support to see what can be done.
Let me know if you get this since it says " no reply".
Do you have a direct email I can send to?
I clicked on the link after I sent and hopefully you'll get this. I copied a pasted here.
Roger Brown has sent you a message.
Hi xxxx,
You can email me directly at rbrown@rogerbrown.net John Young, Derek Pater, Troy Robison and Peter Dunn are all known for causing trouble and doing personal attacks on anyone that disagrees with them. I would not interact with them unless you want them doing the same type of attacks you saw in that thread.
{ Switched to emails }
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2013 4:51 PM
Subject: Questions
Hi Roger,
{ Notice he has all the conplaints that they solisited inventors to complain once before this time. No one had time to file complaints at this point. }
{ Roger Brown sends her an attachment with a thread we argued on about Mark Reyland. Roger jumped in this discussion and took over for Mark Reyland to defend him }

{ Back to the emails}
Before I write a complaint to LinkedIn, do you know if anyone else is also going to complain? I don't want to be the only one. Other than reading other's (mostly Mark Reyland) posts making claims about what they are writing to him, I don't have any first-hand experiences with them.
Has this type of thing been going on long? Do you have any first-hand examples of what 'they' have been doing? You don't know me, so let me tell you that I am the type of person that needs to see some back-up to what someone says so I don't end up putting both feet in my mouth. I prefer to use them to walk with and not chew on them :)
{ Notice he has all the conplaints that they solisited inventors to complain once before this time. No one had time to file complaints at this point. }
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:
Hi xxxx,There are others that are going to complain since they were used in that blog I sent you link to. This has been going on for two years. John has been banned from linkedin and his groups were deleted due to his behavior on the forums. He keeps coming back under other names. Right now using the John Y name and Linkedin has been alerted. {" John has had two restraining orders taken out on him for his behavior and harassment "}. He is the president of a company called Inventors For Inventors. The others you will see are part of the same company. They are Nancy, Derek, Troy and Peter. You can see that they enjoy making personal attacks on anyone that disagrees with them. Whether you decide to file a complaint or not I would suggest not interacting with any of their group unless you want to have them start attacking you also.{ Notice Roger Brown has all the previous complaints }Here are previous complaints: Complaints about John Young by Linkedin members.
Inappropriate Profile [Ticket: 120420-001331]Inappropriate Profile [Ticket: 120415-001060]
Fake profiles [Ticket: 120303-000730]
Inappropriate Profile [Ticket: 120129-000711]Harassing member Ticket: 120927-002474Harassing member 120926-005536Harassing member Ticket: 120125-004805Harassing member [Ticket: 121113-003352]
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
{ Roger Brown sends her an attachment with a thread we argued on about Mark Reyland. Roger jumped in this discussion and took over for Mark Reyland to defend him }
{ Back to the emails}
Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:32 PM
To: Rbrown
Subject: Re: Questions
All I got in your message was numbers about previous complaints, but not the complaint. Were they supposed to be attached in the document you sent?
All I really saw in the attachment were arguments back and forth. There are tons of threads and groups like that all over the internet. Were you the one that made all those complaints since you have the numbers? I’m not convinced that all the arguing going on is anything more than that. Have ‘they’ actually sent you or other inventors harassing e-mails to your personal addresses?
You said John (I’m assuming you mean John Young) has had 2 restraining orders taken out on him? Was he actually served with the orders? If so, then I would think that you or whoever filed them would have recourse through the Court. That would be much more effective than just complaining to LinkedIn. I guess I’m a bit too skeptical since I haven’t been on the receiving end of any harassment. Am I being too naïve? That’s happened to me many times. Being way too trusting of people.
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 5:06 AM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:
Hi xxxx,The numbers were sent to me by the people that filed the complaints so that I could send them in with my complaint letting Linkedin know there was more than just me complaining. As far as the thread I sent with the arguing on it that is typical of the majority of their posts. You could start a thread on puppies and that arguing is what he and his friends would turn it into. Attached is a vey graphic group of emails that were sent to me and others by John as well as another exchange on Linkedin by their group. In that one they are attacking me and and Kenny Durham who got attacked because he disagreed with them. I have more like that but as I said I am just warning you that they will do the same to you if you disagree with their posts.
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
From: xxxx xxxx
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2013 8:47 AM
To: Rbrown
Subject: Re: Questions
Good Morning Roger,
{ Now he knows that we are going to find out about what he has been doing behind the sense, he knows it will probably be shown, so he stops all communication. Now is where Roger Brown's friend and partner Mark Reyland, tries to jump in and save them both }
Subject: Re:
I really don't know why you would write to me privately. And make even further accusations about "these guys". And your comment "now we know you aren't either" is also something I find odd for you to say. I have no reason to hide my identity - rest assured I am a real person with no ulterior motive other than I am tired of reading your wild accusations. I fully expect that you will add my name to your list and attack me next. You can believe that I will not have the patience with attacks on my name or credibility that the others have had for you.
You were up bright and early. i'm in xxxx xxxxx and got up to frost! Just in time to kill the plants and trees that are budding :( Where do you live? I enjoy xxxx for the weather, but I miss the mountains for their beauty. The landscape here is boring.
Speaking of boring, the attachments you sent were anything but boring. Quite the opposite! You sent enough to open my eyes, but I still wonder why whoever got restraining orders couldn't go through the court to get it stopped? If he was served I'm sure it would stop. Maybe they requested it, but if it wasn't ordered and if it wasn't served, it wouldn't be in effect. In what state was it issued? I think it has to be in the state where he lives?
{ Now Roger Brown is at work at E.N., while being paid }
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:
My understanding is he has been served twice. He lives in St Lucie Florida. The trouble is he just ignores it just like he ignored being banned from Linkedin and made another account to get around the ban. The people he harasses live in other states so unless he goes to their states there is not a lot going to happen. Plus John works as a stocker at Target. So he does not have a lot to lose anyway so he doesn’t care.
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
xxx xxxx> wrote:
I think you should check with whoever told you he was served to find out if they have what is called “proof of service”. If they do, then it doesn’t matter what state he lives in, the restraining order can be enforced. If he continues to contact them (Now you have my curiosity up about who ‘they’ are), then he can be arrested and goes to jail. That’s what he has to lose. Have you actually seen the restraining order(s)? If you haven’t, then maybe whoever is telling you that is blowing smoke. If it isn’t true, then it would look bad for you passing information like that around.
If it was me, and the order(s) had been violated, I would certainly be reporting it to the police and getting him locked up. So, since that hasn’t been done, I wonder if that is even true. Do you know who filed them and since that’s considered public record once filed, you should be able to tell me. Another quirk of my personality…. Curiosity. Good thing I’m not a cat!
{ Roger Brown is still at work for E.N. }
From: Roger Brown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net>
Date: Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Questions
To: xxxx xxxx>
{Now 2 days later}
Date: Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Questions
To: xxxx xxxx>
He has been served because he made reference to them coming to his house and serving him in a couple of his rants. I am not one of those that filed so i dont have them. you live in Florida you can probably find them if you want.
I have tried to not interact with him at all because as you can see no matter what you respond he is only interested. Of you agree with him.
If you want look him up his name is john charles young
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
{Now 2 days later}
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 10:26 AM
To: Roger Brown
Subject: Just checking
Hi Roger,
Just checking to see if you got my message yesterday since I didn't get a reply? I know things get lost in cyberspace sometimes, people get busy, etc., but I wanted to double-check.
This email is still being sent while at Work for E.N., from E.N.
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:
HI xxxx,I didn’t respond because I didn’t see a question I needed to respond to. As I said earlier whether you file a complaint or not is okay, others are doing it so yours won’t really matter. You can watch and see what happens and decide for yourself from there. Have a great week.
From: xxxx xxxx
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 3:41 PM
To: Rbrown
Subject: Re: Just checking
There was a question that I wondered about:
>I don’t remember if you said he was banned from LinkedIn permanently? If that’s the case, then a complaint isn’t necessary anyway. I’m not sure how to check for that information or is it even available to members?<
I do intend to follow up with LinkedIn, but wanted to have as much background information as possible to get my ducks in a row :)
You're probably busy and I appreciate your time.
On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 5:52 AM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:
Hi xxxx,I see you are listed as self-employed as a Writer and Inventor. That is cool. What books have you written? I would love to check them out? What inventions have you brought to market?
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
From: xxxx xxxx>
Date: Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Just checking
To: Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net>
Good morning Roger,
Although you have avoided answering my questions, I am happy to answer yours. I wrote for a magazine for many years before the publisher went under. It was a magazine for goat breeders. I also drew a comic strip about a goat named joe b. cool. Here is a link to joe’s Facebook page and you can see some of the comics and when you click on the “book” link you can see a short preview of the book:
http xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Given your background, Iwould be interested in your thoughts about the book.
As far as inventions, I am currently considering a licensing deal for one of my products and working on the prototype for another one. I do not currently have anything on the shelf.
So, please answer my last question and I would also be interested in what products you have had on the market that have made you money.
I have been browsing around and trying to check out different organizations. I thought about joining the UIA, but I don’t have enough experience in the inventing world to know which ones are legit. You seem to have a connection with Mark Reyland? What are your thoughts about it? Any input would be appreciated.
On Mar 9, 2013, at 7:21 PM, xxxx> wrote:
Did you get this message? I was surprised you made no comment about the link I sent.
{ During this time, the inventor emailed Nancy Tedeschi, to ask about what Roger was saying }
From: Snapitscrew
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 10:19 AM
To: xxxx xxxx
Cc: Roger Brown
Subject: Re: Just checking
He is onto you. :(
{ Now Roger Brown is awear that, Nancy is seeing his emails about us. }
From: "Rbrown" <rbrown@rogerbrown.net>
Date: March 10, 2013, 10:36:11 AM EDT
To: "Snapitscrew" <snapitscrew@gmail.com>, "xxxx xxxx>
Subject: Re: Just checking
Reply-To: "Rbrown" <rbrown@rogerbrown.net>
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:Who is on to me?
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
Hi xxxx,Why is Nancy writing to both of us? I assume you wrote her? What does she mean by he is on to you?
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
From: xxxx xxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 2:26 PM
To: Rbrown
Subject: Re: Just checking
I don't know why she's writing to both of us. Yes, I wrote to her. I don't know what she meant, ask her.
Are you ignoring my questions?
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Rbrown <rbrown@rogerbrown.net> wrote:
As I tried to tell you she is part of the group with John. You can keep dealing with them if you want and you will get more of the same from them. That is what they do when people question them. You will probably see whatever you wrote to her being posted by one of them on Linkedin soon. Pretty much anything sent to one of them is forwarded to the rest of their group. Your best bet would be to not respond back to her, but that is your choice.I did not respond earlier because I was working on another project and had a deadline to meet. I looked at your FaceBook page. Nice. I like the story. Those are hard to sell. I wish you a lot of luck with it.
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
From: xxxx xxxx
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:02 PM
To: Rbrown
Subject: Sunday
I'm not really sure of what the "group" is you are referring to. I know you talked about John Young and I have seen posts 'warning' others and you wrote about John Young and filing a complaint with LinkedIn, but you never mentioned Nancy. I have been in touch with Nancy in the past concerning my product. She has been extremely helpful and has given me good leads about submitting and licensing.
Thanks for taking a look at jOE'S page. I know books are hard to sell, so I will probably end up self-publishing..... just because I can :)
From: "Rbrown" <rbrown@rogerbrown.net>
Date: March 10, 2013, 4:17:57 PM EDT
To: "Suzanne Baker" <>
Subject: Re: Sunday
Reply-To: "Rbrown" <rbrown@rogerbrown.net>
Did you ask Nancy about John or me? Because if you didn’t I have no idea why she would write you and myself in the same email. Nancy and John Young are partners in a company called Inventors for Inventors. You can ask Nancy to explain the company to you. When I say group Nancy, John Young, Derek Pater, Troy Robison, and Peter Dunn are all part of the group that normally joins in when they start making personal attacks. All you have to do is look at most threads that one starts it and you will see them start showing up to join in. Nancy used to do it quite often but has stopped for a while. I assume she is busy with snapitscrew. Just so you won’t have to ask if I have any proof that her and John have the company together follow the link below or ask her.
Roger Brown
P.O. Box 7122
North Augusta, SC 29861
{ Now he knows that we are going to find out about what he has been doing behind the sense, he knows it will probably be shown, so he stops all communication. Now is where Roger Brown's friend and partner Mark Reyland, tries to jump in and save them both }
You should be careful with these guys Suzanne, They are never who they appear to be, and now we know you aren't either.
om: xxxx xxxxxx]
Sent: , March 11, 2013 12:49 AM
To: Mark Reyland
Sent: , March 11, 2013 12:49 AM
To: Mark Reyland
Subject: Re:
I really don't know why you would write to me privately. And make even further accusations about "these guys". And your comment "now we know you aren't either" is also something I find odd for you to say. I have no reason to hide my identity - rest assured I am a real person with no ulterior motive other than I am tired of reading your wild accusations. I fully expect that you will add my name to your list and attack me next. You can believe that I will not have the patience with attacks on my name or credibility that the others have had for you.
I joined the groups I did on LinkedIn to learn, not to have threads that I could have learned from destroyed by your wild and untrue accusations against others.
From: Mark Reyland <mark@uiausa.org>
Date: Mar 11, 2013 at 9:00 AM
To: xxxx xxx>
Date: Mar 11, 2013 at 9:00 AM
To: xxxx xxx>
I remember when they liked me too :) Good Luck Suzanne, I wish you well in all your inventing endeavors.
Now all of these messages were sent to E.N. they were not happy about Roger Brown acting so unprofessional while employed there. We can not say what happened to Roger because it was agreed that everything the owner said would remain confidential and I plan on keeping that agreement with them. I can say that we agreed that Roger was to contact Linked In to inform them that the complaints against John Young and the others were solicited by Him. And as you can see by these messages, he used his influence and lied to achieve goal of having this inventor jump in an issue they might otherwise ignore. Roger had yet to contact Linked In, Roger has yet to admit publicly to what he's done with the lies and persuasion. Roger was to break all ties with Mark Reyland publicly and privately. He has yet to remove himself from Mark Reylands Linked In group and Joe Fournier's group. So he did not comply with his end of the bargain so I'm publicly showing his dirty laundry for him and proving Roger Brown is in bed with Mark Reyland and lies to inventors to get their way.
I would like to say that the owner has been professional about this situation and tried to have us come to some kind of agreement between Roger and I. But in the beginning it was mentioned by the owner that a public apology was coming, but the draft I was sent made Roger look like he was being rational and just wanting all of this to stop. It admitted no lying or public support of Mark Reyland, it admitted no getting innocent inventors involved to help him and Mark Reyland remove this blog and have John Young gone from Linked in. Roger has done none of the things mentioned, he remains with his hands looking clean in all of this.
In case you couldn't tell, I am John Young and am still keeping my word of confidentiality for the owner that I agreed to, even though I didn't get what was promised to me. But as promised I remain silent about all of it.
The owner of E.N. is running a professional business and helping inventors. It reflects poorly on E.N. if Roger Brown is seen helping Mark Reyland that is trying to destroy E.N.
Roger Brown a second chance, I could have never been so forgiving in light of his unprofessional behavior behind the sense and Rogers Love and support of Mark Reyland trying to destroy The E.N. company. If it were me he would have been FIRED.
Now all of these messages were sent to E.N. they were not happy about Roger Brown acting so unprofessional while employed there. We can not say what happened to Roger because it was agreed that everything the owner said would remain confidential and I plan on keeping that agreement with them. I can say that we agreed that Roger was to contact Linked In to inform them that the complaints against John Young and the others were solicited by Him. And as you can see by these messages, he used his influence and lied to achieve goal of having this inventor jump in an issue they might otherwise ignore. Roger had yet to contact Linked In, Roger has yet to admit publicly to what he's done with the lies and persuasion. Roger was to break all ties with Mark Reyland publicly and privately. He has yet to remove himself from Mark Reylands Linked In group and Joe Fournier's group. So he did not comply with his end of the bargain so I'm publicly showing his dirty laundry for him and proving Roger Brown is in bed with Mark Reyland and lies to inventors to get their way.
I would like to say that the owner has been professional about this situation and tried to have us come to some kind of agreement between Roger and I. But in the beginning it was mentioned by the owner that a public apology was coming, but the draft I was sent made Roger look like he was being rational and just wanting all of this to stop. It admitted no lying or public support of Mark Reyland, it admitted no getting innocent inventors involved to help him and Mark Reyland remove this blog and have John Young gone from Linked in. Roger has done none of the things mentioned, he remains with his hands looking clean in all of this.
In case you couldn't tell, I am John Young and am still keeping my word of confidentiality for the owner that I agreed to, even though I didn't get what was promised to me. But as promised I remain silent about all of it.
The owner of E.N. is running a professional business and helping inventors. It reflects poorly on E.N. if Roger Brown is seen helping Mark Reyland that is trying to destroy E.N.
Roger Brown a second chance, I could have never been so forgiving in light of his unprofessional behavior behind the sense and Rogers Love and support of Mark Reyland trying to destroy The E.N. company. If it were me he would have been FIRED.