We will see proof of Roger Brown's public lies later with proof !
Here you will see the only time he was caught red handed posting falsely. It was a series of mistakes he made that inventors picked up on. Johnny Gee was from Texas but the IP traced back to Reylands area. Then he forgot to sign out as Johnny Gee before posting again as Mark Reyland. He lied until the very end and wouldn't admit it until he was called out with proof he couldn't lie his way out of.
So ladies and gentleman here he is Johnny Gee from Texas acting as a stud inventing sex toys and telling women all about them. Keep in mind this is the current executive director of the United Inventors Association. We told you you will see proof of every accusation and we have it.
Johnny Gee
AKA. Mark Reyland
Inventor of sex toy's

I knew it! I knew it when he sent me emails
as Johnny and I could tell by the way he phrased
certain sentences. The one “come on, I know it
made you smile” was one of Mark’s sayings and
then it hit me like a ton of bricks! Then he posted
on my blog as Mark and immediately afterward,
made a comment as Johnny with his Texas accent
but forgot to log out as Mark! So his sign on said
Mark Reyland. So when I confornted him, he
denied it and I thought, well what if he really is a
real person and I’m doing this to him. So I gave
him the benefit of the doubt. But there is NO doubt
in my mind now that Johnny is Mark.
-Mark exits EN and in comes Johnny!
-Johnny Gee – come on now the name alone is pathetic
-His invention is an adult toy?
-When I asked him to stop posting on that hater thread
he did it more
-He would email me everyday asking about Mark so
that I talked about him which I didn’t!
-He would ask me for help but just say, I need HELP nothing specific in order to catch me in giving bad inventing advice??? -Now he’s promoting Mark as Johnny. -He would never do a phone conference or talk to me on the phone. didn’t he? Including me. Who has time to run around making up characters all day? Especially when you have businesses to run? Hey, where is Johnny anyway? If he were real, surely he could prove that he was a real person right Greg Spiegel Jefferson, I traced Johnny’s IP address back to one of two that Mark Reyland uses. They are definitely from Ohio and no where near Texas. It is pretty undeniable. If it is not Mark then be mad at Johnny for framing Mark :) { THE DENIAL }