Monday, November 25, 2013


                                       Please begin with this video !


Mark Reyland announces his resignation from his apartment / UIA office.  Notice in this video he moved his palm tree from the entry door (as in his other videos) to a wall behind him on the other side of the living room.

Now that the UIA begging for donations failed a month ago, the UIA is now flat broke. Mark Reyland has no funds on the UIA credit card to support his lifestyle. We don't believe for a second his resignation was made by his own free choice. We BELIEVE that he was asked to step down by resigning or he would be fired. He ran the UIA in to the ground and left it high and dry flat broke. Sponsor's didn't renew memberships, no one donated all because of Mark Reyland.

As this blog and others showed proof of all his underhandedness and lies, people were smart enough to see the truth posted here with proof. His latest lie about his reason for copying  Leisa Farmer's colander, as he tells it, "It was to help Leisa because she was stuck on the design and needed Mark Reylands expertise ". Funny Mark, because Leisa's colander was designed and licensed and on the market for almost 2 years before  (according to your lie), she needed your help.

Now Mark Reyland says he will remain in the invention industry " building innovation programs with large organizations, big retailers, manufacturers". Wow, we didn't know that there was a demand for such a job. This is a lie and dream, Mark Reyland is the kiss of death now, (and has been) and any company would be committing financial suicide if they hired him to even sweep their floors. 

He says he "won't be working for any invention submission companies and not work for any predatory company".  Really Mark ? No invention submission company would hire him and if he tried to work for a predatory company, they would fire him the first day for praying on the predatory company in a conflict of interest. Mark has already tried to be an invention predator to Leisa Farmer by copying her invention and submitting it for licensing. Luckily for Leisa it was Mark that did it, because he can't design or invent, that is why he copies.

Mark Reyland damaged this industry on his own, it was his lies to inventors, his using funds for inventors to pay for his lifestyle, he was the one that went behind an inventors back and tried to rip her licensing deal from beneath her and have it for himself.

This is nothing to be proud of, its nothing less than disgraceful. But from what he says, he was wonderful, dedicated, giving. But the truth is in all the pages here in this blog. Videos of him lying publically to inventors and e-mail proof of the lie. His own hands on video with a colander he copied from another inventor for his profit (which was so poorly done, no company would touch it so he made no money).  It was he that forged messages to UIA members and the public as being from Warren Tuttle.  It was he that was the false profile as "Johnny Gee".

You can listen to Mark Reyland tell you how wonderful he is all day long, but facts are facts and proof is proof. And when you show it and prove it against him, he labels you as "crazies", "unstable".  Because we warn you, he says we are what's wrong with this industry.

Let's just stop a moment and think, did anyone ever hear of Mark Reyland before the UIA. Well with the thousands of products he claimed to have invented and licensed, don't you think you would have. Truth is he has had and has never had a product on the market, he has no patents and this whole thing started because we asked to see just one of them as proof he was who he said he was.

None of this would have ever gone this far if he had the products to prove and showed them. It would have been over if he just showed one of his thousands of products. He couldn't, this made us look further in to his background, We saw no patents, no products, could find no clients he represented, nothing ! All we found was a long list of failed businesses of his, we found court cases against him for unpaid rent, Spoke to people that dealt with his failed businesses, found out that his company damaged vehicle's leased by another party in a deal to install raised graphics (his guys drilled holes in the cars to hold them on to show the concept) and this party had to pay for his ignorance and he owes them $12,000 for damages they had to pay.

It's all been a lie and con game on the inventors.  An illusion, (like his apartment UIA office in his videosto fool you into believing he is a rich and successful man and an inventing guru.

The UIA is now broke, there is nothing left for mark to live on coming from the UIA. His daily meals aren't going to be paid, his trips, his personal items and no salary to pay him. There are no more sponsors to fund the UIA, none are renewing their memberships and the ones that have been gone from the sponsorship program still have their company names as sponsors.  Why? Because its part of the illusion, the more names we see the more the UIA makes it look like there are sponsors for potential new sponsors to see, giving them more reason to join. How would it look after the many years this sponsorship program has been around, there were only just a few left. No one would want to be a part of that, so they create an illusion of a grand sponsorship program with lots of members.

We believe that if the UIA bank account was good and fat, Mark Reyland in no way would be resigning. We know for a fact that he was asked to step down long ago, he fought it, and he remained. But now it's too far gone, and the UIA realizes that they need to restructure, obtain funding and use that funding for what it was intended for. The UIA had over $260,000 in the account mid last year. Where did it all go?  Why are they now broke?  Its' because it was used to support Mark Reyland, so Mark could keep his illusion up of being a big shot in the industry. Using money that was meant to educate inventors to wine and dine people at restaurants, while in his home town running up $500 dinner bills, paying for expensive hotel rooms, $25 valet parking, his groceries (while in his home town) his iced tea and doughnuts every day, his wife's vehicle registration, home improvement supplies, on and on. And then on top of that he got a salary. He got a platform to stand on and feed his ego with the lies he tells you. No one will speak more highly of Mark Reyland than Mark Reyland himself !

So he was totally supported with donations and funds meant for inventors. I believe that Warren Tuttle and most of the UIA board mean well, but they are 100% responsible for the current state of the UIA for letting Mark Reyland have full rein and control for 3 years.  Three years of funds meant for inventors all GONE with nothing to show for the inventors it represents!

People, these are the facts.  You don't see us blogging about anyone else.  For that matter, you see no blogs about anyone else period. We don't just pick someone we don't care for and try to destroy them. We only did this to protect and have better for the inventors. Our time  is wasted, our reputations tarnished all because of Mark Reyland.

Hopefully, Mark Reyland will NOT find his way back in our industry, hopefully he will just be an ugly stain that will fade with time. Our hopes are that the UIA will restructure and DO A BACKGROUND CHECK ON POTENTIAL BOARD MEMBERS (which they have admitted to not doing with Mark Reyland).  Had they done so, they would have found all his lies about his credentials and they would not be in the shape they are today.

There is a valuable lesson about inventing here, if anyone claims to be someone, done great things, make them show you solid proof first. Don't listen to smooth talk or you may be a victim as were all inventors because of Mark Reyland.  Lesson learned!

A sad note here is that now the town of Charleston S.C. has the  "Charleston Inventors Association".  Mark Reyland leads them. Hopefully they will ask to see all his products and patents first. 

I will leave you with one last Mark Reyland illusion. Here he is writing as Warren Tuttle, Warren is no dummy and wouldn't misspell "Knowledge" and Warren signs off with "Peace" or "Cheers". We believe this was not authored by Warren Tuttle !

From: The UIA Staff <>

Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 5:39 PM
Subject: To the UIA Membership

Dear UIA Members,
The UIA Board of Directors received Executive Director Mark Reyland's resignation letter today with understandable sadness.
As we all know, Mark has worked tirelessly during the past three years to help educate inventors, grow UIA membership, network nationally with inventors clubs, build industry trade show events, champion through government many inventor rights, and otherwise dedicate his considerable knowlage and passion towards helping others.
We all wish Mark well as he continues to serve the industry in his future pursuits.
We are also appreciative that Mark has agreed to stay on in a limited capacity as we ensure a smooth organizational transition.
Warren Tuttle, Board President
The United Inventors Association



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