Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mark Reyland talks about our industry ..... But is begging for your money !

From Mark Reylands UIA BlogSpot


As with all nonprofits, the UIA depends on the generosity of its supporters to continue the mission.

In a recent member survey you told us you wanted to keep the UIA educational programs free. We agree with you. However these programs, while free to our members are anything but free to create - and to continue providing them will require help from all of us.

Please take a moment to watch this short video and see why helping is so important to us all. 

Mark Reyland went on to make 5 videos in the same day. Proof is, he's wearing the exact same shirt and tie with an artificial palm tree in front of the entry door to his apartment as a staged office.

Also in these video begging series, he makes reference to a Kickstarter campaign in this video.
Published on Oct 21, 2013
This video was developed by the UIA featuring Mark Reyland for an Inventor Education program Kickstarter campaign

Here are all the videos in order in which they are posted.





We fully expect to see a Kickstarter crowed funding campaign soon. He cant use the UIA fund A Geek crowed funding that he bragged of starting, because it failed and no longer is active.

You would think, with all the UIA sponsors fees they collect they would still have money in the UIA account. But not so, as we were told, the UIA had a negative bank account balance a couple of months ago.

This means Mark Reyland is hurting pretty bad right now. He lives off the UIA credit card, we have proof and seen his expense receipts via the UIA credit card. We confirmed that it was the UIA credit card, because an ex employee confirmed the last 4 digits of the receipts to the card .

What we saw the UIA credit card being abused for by Mark Reylands daily lifestyle is nothing less of illegal and down rite low life to use money for inventors to pay for his,

1. Wife's car registration.

2. Groceries  { While in his home town }

3. Breath mints, doughnuts, ice tea,  { while in his home town }

4. Home improvement items { for his home }

5. Pantie liners, { yes, he purchased pantie liners on the UIA credit card, funny thing was, he was alone on a UIA trip ??????}

6. Items to copy an inventors product. { Yes the parts to copy Lesia Farmers Trap Door Colander was purchased by the UIA credit card , while in his home town }

We would also like to add, that Mark Reylands copy of the colander was to help the inventor Lesia Farmer that was stuck on a design flaw and asked for Mark Reylands expertise. This is what he's telling everyone to get out of being a slime ball for doing that to her. Funny thing is and proof that Mark Reyland is yet again lying is that the Trap Door Colander was designed, licensed and selling on the market almost 2 years before he was so kind to help. He makes fools of anyone believing him. Read Lesia's blog on the subject and tell us if he attempted to steal her idea, of was helping 2 years later.

And more proof of Mark Reylands lies.

Now lets use common sense when evaluating these expense's while in his home town. Some of this would be within expectable expense's if not at your home and away on a business trip. But all of these receipts are within 25 miles of his home   

1. What kind of non profit allows their funds to pay for these things while at your home ?

2. What kind of non profit allows for a man to purchase PANTIE LINERS and charge it to their credit card ?

3. What kind of non profit allows the husband to pay his WIFE'S car registration with their credit card.

4. What kind of non profit pays for your groceries with their credit card ?

5. What kind of non profit pays for your dinning out, breakfast, lunch, dinner, while at home?

6. What kind of non profit allows you to purchase home improvement supplies for your home?

7. What kind of non profit allows you to purchase items to copy an inventors invention that you are suppose to be protecting and representing ?

Its simply been spent on Mark Reylands personal expense's !
He is now broke desperate and living alone in an apartment in S. Carolina and wants money from YOU !


We have proof of everything we claim, if it wasn't true, why isn't the UIA taking us to court to sue for damages. Well its because we can show the judge that EVERYTHING we claim is true and backed with proof.

And if they now need money for one of Mark Reylands harebrained inventor education series. Have board member AJ. Khubani  fork out for it, after all he is a multi millionaire and if he loves inventors so much, prove it with a check.

Its disgraceful and the UIA board members turn their backs to it. Everyone of the UIA board members are just as guilty as Mark Reyland, for allowing it to happen and continue. All funds go straight to the executive director Mark Reyland to spend as he pleases.

And if you can stand to watch all of the videos, staged pauses between his speech and tree placed in front of his front door to his apartment to look like an office, listen to him closely.

In one video, he says no breaks in the world will help inventors, they need education !
In the next, he says, No education in the world will help inventors, they need corporate contacts! This is not word for word as he explains it, because I cant take watching them all again to Quote him. But its clear he is making it look his way as he needs it to look in 2 different videos. 

Education= good, breaks= bad in one video

Education = bad, breaks= good in the next

Getting corporate exposure is a break either way you look at it.
Bet these videos get changed. Didn't think I would catch that did you Mr. Reyland ?

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