The United Inventors Association and its Executive director Mark Reyland are demonstrating a total lack of responsibility when it comes to the well being of inventors. Recently they certified and sponsored a company that provides electronic time stamping and documentation and storage of Intellectual Properite {I.P.}, this will not stand up to the new First to file law as a way to secure your I.P. rights.
Just 6 months ago, Mark Reyland spoke out against a company that provides this same service but with the added benefit of a prior art search that cost much less than Tracklight { The company they now push on inventors that will not work for the securing of I.P. rights }.
But now suddenly and with new stricter laws He wants inventors to use this service that 6 months before he said doesn't work. Why ? Because this company Paid the fee for sponsorship and the right to post the UIA logo on its website. Now because Tracklight paid to play in the UIA playground Mark Reyland and the UIA wants inventors to put their trust and I.P. rights on the line for a service even professional I.P. agents and attorneys say wont protect them.
Here is a public LinkedIn comment on this subject from a very creditable Patent agent.
Mike Caldwell • I looked at Traklight, even had a few exchanges with their sales folk. They are simply a service for safely storing a document with a time stamp, nothing more. With FTF, this documentation is of no value. It would be dangerous to depend upon it for any sort of protection. They mention trade secrets, copyright, etc; I have no opinion regarding those. But for patent purposes, I don't know why anyone would use them.
Now here is Mark Reylands comment about online electronic documentation and time stamping as a way to protect your I.P. rights. Basically he says the same thing 6 months ago that Mr. Caldwell says.
Mark Reyland UIA blogspot quote
" Lastly, as far as we can tell there is little or no case law supporting any on line "vouching" of an idea. There are court tested ways for an inventor to properly document the idea and have it witnessed, but none of them electronic. That does not mean at some point in the future there won't be - but at this point electronic verifications of ideas and witnesses to those ideas have not stood the test of our legal system.
Again, I'm sure these folks mean no harm to an inventor, but the APP as defined here has a lot of reasons for an inventor with an unprotected idea not to use it - so be careful."
Now with new FTF laws, its suddenly recommended and premoted.
Mark Reyland blogspot quote,
"The UIA staff has worked with our good friends at to help them mold the traklight tool into something inventors can use both safely and reliably. Traklight CEO Mary Juetten is a big supporter of the inventor community and of inventor education - so much so that she joined the UIA to become even more active. "
Here is Tracklights service for inventors,
" ID your IP is an easy to use, cost effective program designed by a team of legal professionals specializing in IP identification. The result: A report unique to your business that outlines your potential IP and what you need to do to protect it and succeed.
Proving dates and retrieving documents is critical. Whether date of invention, creation, use or publication. Or needing that time-stamped electronic contract verified by a 3rd party or holding that code in escrow.
Designed to store anything from official records to that cocktail napkin with the billion-dollar concept, Traklight’s IP Vault is a storage, organization and verification tool.Simply scan and upload your documents to Traklight’s secure site and we’ll time-stamp, store and protect them- giving you peace of mind that your ideas are safe and those critical dates can be verified by the click of a button. "
Proving dates and retrieving documents is critical. Whether date of invention, creation, use or publication. Or needing that time-stamped electronic contract verified by a 3rd party or holding that code in escrow.
Designed to store anything from official records to that cocktail napkin with the billion-dollar concept, Traklight’s IP Vault is a storage, organization and verification tool.Simply scan and upload your documents to Traklight’s secure site and we’ll time-stamp, store and protect them- giving you peace of mind that your ideas are safe and those critical dates can be verified by the click of a button. "
Same thing as the Idea app that just 6 months ago he spoke against using, but without the added benefit of a Prior Art search provided by Idea App and cost the inventor 5 times more !
He had a new and only ever Director of Corporate Sponsorships certify and induct a company that does not work to protect inventors I.P. rights.

Joseph Fournier
Membership Director at United Inventors Association of America
- Location
- Belleville, Michigan (Greater Detroit Area)
- Industry
- Information Services
And the blog post recommendation is from,

Mark T. Reyland
Executive Director at United Inventors Association of America
- Location
- Washington, District Of Columbia (Washington D.C. Metro Area)
- Industry Education Management
Both UIA blogspot threads will be posted below, because as Mark Reyland always does when caught with his pants around his ankles, he deletes and hides it. Before this story broke you could google UIA Tracklight and the link would appear. Now the direct link is gone and you find it under other links with the story below them.
Monday, March 18 Supports Inventor Education
The UIA staff has worked with our good friends at to help them mold the traklight tool into something inventors can use both safely and reliably. Traklight CEO Mary Juetten is a big supporter of the inventor community and of inventor education - so much so that she joined the UIA to become even more active.

Intellectual Property is not just for scientists and engineers - EVERY business has IP. Have you identified and protected yours? This doesn't have to be an expensive, lengthy process. Trakight's ID YOUR IPmakes it easy to identify your IP today.
ID your IP is an easy to use, cost effective program designed by a team of legal professionals specializing in IP identification. The result: A report unique to your business that outlines your potential IP and what you need to do to protect it and succeed.
Proving dates and retrieving documents is critical. Whether date of invention, creation, use or publication. Or needing that time-stamped electronic contract verified by a 3rd party or holding that code in escrow.
Designed to store anything from official records to that cocktail napkin with the billion-dollar concept, Traklight’s IP Vault is a storage, organization and verification tool.Simply scan and upload your documents to Traklight’s secure site and we’ll time-stamp, store and protect them- giving you peace of mind that your ideas are safe and those critical dates can be verified by the click of a button.
5 THINGS Every business needs to know to Protect your IDEAs

Every Business has IP.Every business has potential Intellectual Property (IP) that needs identifying and protecting, even at the idea stage.IP is not just for tech businesses or inventors. Your name or product name, branding, and customer lists are all valuable IP assets and need protection.
Patents are not the only Intellectual Property Protection. Many inventors understand patent requirements and process. However, patents are not a necessity in every case and trade secrets should be considered for protection. Do not forget to consider the need to research any names for trademark purposes.
Not everyone will sign a NDA. We have all heard that everyone should sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) but some potential investors may not be able to sign.Consider giving enough information to explain your concept but not enough to have someone replicate your entire process or product.
Mailing an idea to yourself does not work. Envelopes can be steamed open or mailed empty with ideas inserted later. Your brilliant idea needs to be uploaded and time-stamped by an independent 3rdparty, like a notary.
You don’t know what you have until it’s gone. When starting a business, growing or hiring, or raising capital, the first step is to know what you have by identifying all your valuable IP assets. Don’t wait until it’s too late, especially with secrets, the time is now to discover what your valuable IP.

Try it Today! Just APPLY the coupon code UIASPR13 at as follows:
Step 1. Join at
Step 2. Get Started with ID your IP questionnaire. If you simply need to upload your files into the IP VAULT go to Vault management.
Step 3. Purchase& Download ID your IP Report or upload to the IP VAULT by entering & applying coupon code UIASPR13 to reduce purchase price by 25%.
Step 4. Visit IP Vault Management page to upload files.
Posted byMark Reylandat9:38 AM
Wednesday, September 12
Phone App for inventors?...Maybe not such a good idea
Recently I
saw an APP for inventors being talked about on a local inventor group. We have
apps for almost anything these days so having one for inventor should not
surprise us. However, when it comes to the inventing industry an inventor should
look closely at the long term side effects of using these flashy new tools to
help them on their journey.
Everyone has great ideas for a
new book, movie, product or service, but most inventors or writers aren’t sure
how to research, protect and/or pursue their idea. (Our App) helps to document, protect and
develop your ideas.
Idea Creators or Inventors and Writers can submit their ideas and supporting materials (scanned sketches, images of prototypes, audio/video recordings, etc.) through (Our App) for protecting, developing and displaying them. You may solicit the support of co-creators (inventors or writers) or witnesses for your ideas. When an idea is submitted, the co-creators or witnesses associated with it receive an email instantly with the capability to vouch for the idea. You can put an idea for sale and view details of prospective investors who have shown interest. You can also search the world to see if your idea or writing has been done before and receive a PDF report of it (where, when, and by whom) via email.
Let me be clear here - I'm sure the people who developed this APP are great guys and gals, and I'm sure they mean no harm, but the APP as described here is really dangerous for an inventor to use.
Lastly, as far as we can tell there is little or no
case law supporting any on line "vouching" of an idea. There are court tested
ways for an inventor to properly document the idea and have it witnessed, but
none of them electronic. That does not mean at some point in the future there
won't be - but at this point electronic verifications of ideas and witnesses to
those ideas have not stood the test of our legal system.

Idea Creators or Inventors and Writers can submit their ideas and supporting materials (scanned sketches, images of prototypes, audio/video recordings, etc.) through (Our App) for protecting, developing and displaying them. You may solicit the support of co-creators (inventors or writers) or witnesses for your ideas. When an idea is submitted, the co-creators or witnesses associated with it receive an email instantly with the capability to vouch for the idea. You can put an idea for sale and view details of prospective investors who have shown interest. You can also search the world to see if your idea or writing has been done before and receive a PDF report of it (where, when, and by whom) via email.
Let me be clear here - I'm sure the people who developed this APP are great guys and gals, and I'm sure they mean no harm, but the APP as described here is really dangerous for an inventor to use.
I'll explain. Obviously there are considerations
with sending unprotected ideas to anyone , much less to an app where you have no
real idea who is on the other end and what actually happens to the
Second, Inventing is not a team sport. Multiple
people addressing issues and adding content to an idea can make for co-inventors
in the eyes of patent law. Co-inventors enjoy 100% rights to an invention and
are free to do whatever they like with a patent regardless of the other
co-inventors. This is a slippery slope when you are dealing with people you
know, but a truly dangerous slope when you are sharing rights with a person you
don't know - and a hidden time bomb when you think of the people who have
"contributed" that will come out of the
woodwork to claim their prize if the product makes it to the
Third, because you have no idea who is on the other
end of this app, it's likely going to constitute public disclosure and that can
cost you the ability to patent the idea the moment you hit send.

Again, I'm sure these folks mean no harm to an
inventor, but the APP as defined here has a lot of reasons for an inventor with
an unprotected idea not to use it - so be careful.
For additional
information about Mark Reyland and the UIA check out these